<template name:trailerStars>
<image v-for="yellow in yellowScore"
src="../static/icos/star-yellow.png" class="star-ico">
<image v-for="gray in grayScore"
src="../static/icos/star-gray.png" class="star-ico">


不能在根元素(root element)使用 v-for,因为v-for是个循环体呈现多个元素,v-for在根元素上导致无法渲染。



<template name:trailerStars>
<image v-for="yellow in yellowScore"
src="../static/icos/star-yellow.png" class="star-ico">
<image v-for="gray in grayScore"
src="../static/icos/star-gray.png" class="star-ico">
</view> </template>


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