[Algorithms(Princeton)] Week1 - Percolation
public class Percolation {
private boolean[] openSites;
private int gridN;
private WeightedQuickUnionUF UF;
private WeightedQuickUnionUF UFfull; public Percolation(int N) {
if (N <= 0) {
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(
"N must be greater than 0");
openSites = new boolean[N * N];
gridN = N;
for (int i = 0; i < N * N; ++i) {
openSites[i] = false;
// add 2 virtual sites
UF = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(N * N + 2);
UFfull = new WeightedQuickUnionUF(N * N + 1);
} private void indexChecker(int i, int j) {
if (i < 1 || j < 1 || i > gridN || j > gridN)
throw new java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException();
} public void open(int i, int j) {
indexChecker(i, j); int indexI = i - 1;
int indexJ = j - 1; int osIndex = indexI * gridN + indexJ;
if (openSites[osIndex])
openSites[osIndex] = true; int ufIndex = indexI * gridN + indexJ + 1;
if (indexI == 0) {
UF.union(0, ufIndex);
UFfull.union(0, ufIndex);
if (indexI == gridN - 1) {
UF.union(ufIndex, gridN * gridN + 1);
} boolean bOpen = false; // union adjacent open sites
int leftIndexI = indexI;
int leftIndexJ = indexJ - 1;
if (leftIndexJ >= 0) {
bOpen = isOpen(leftIndexI + 1, leftIndexJ + 1);
if (bOpen) {
int leftUFIndex = leftIndexI * gridN + leftIndexJ + 1;
UF.union(leftUFIndex, ufIndex);
UFfull.union(leftUFIndex, ufIndex);
} int rightIndexI = indexI;
int rightIndexJ = indexJ + 1;
if (rightIndexJ < gridN) {
bOpen = isOpen(rightIndexI + 1, rightIndexJ + 1);
if (bOpen) {
int rightUFIndex = rightIndexI * gridN + rightIndexJ + 1;
UF.union(ufIndex, rightUFIndex);
UFfull.union(ufIndex, rightUFIndex);
} int upIndexI = indexI - 1;
int upIndexJ = indexJ;
if (upIndexI >= 0) {
bOpen = isOpen(upIndexI + 1, upIndexJ + 1);
if (bOpen) {
int upUFIndex = upIndexI * gridN + upIndexJ + 1;
UF.union(upUFIndex, ufIndex);
UFfull.union(upUFIndex, ufIndex);
} int downIndexI = indexI + 1;
int downIndexJ = indexJ;
if (downIndexI < gridN) {
bOpen = isOpen(downIndexI + 1, downIndexJ + 1);
if (bOpen) {
int downUFIndex = downIndexI * gridN + downIndexJ + 1;
UF.union(ufIndex, downUFIndex);
UFfull.union(ufIndex, downUFIndex);
} public boolean isOpen(int i, int j) {
indexChecker(i, j);
return (openSites[(i - 1) * gridN + j - 1]);
} public boolean isFull(int i, int j) {
indexChecker(i, j);
int indexI = i - 1;
int indexJ = j - 1; int osIndex = indexI * gridN + indexJ;
int ufIndex = osIndex + 1; boolean bOpen = isOpen(i, j);
boolean isFull = UFfull.connected(0, ufIndex);
return (bOpen && isFull);
} public boolean percolates() {
if (gridN == 1)
return (openSites[0]);
return UF.connected(0, gridN * gridN + 1);
You can see Percolation problem here.
This problem is something related to Union-Find.
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