








Rendering Pipeline Overview(渲染管道概览)

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The Rendering Pipeline is the sequence of steps that OpenGL takes when rendering objects. This overview will provide a high-level description of the steps in the pipeline.




Diagram of the Rendering Pipeline. The blue boxes are programmable shader stages.(渲染管道总图。蓝底色的是可编程shader阶段)

The OpenGL rendering pipeline works in the following order: (OpenGL渲染管道的各个阶段按下述顺序依次执行)

  1. Prepare vertex array data, and then render it(准备顶点数据,然后渲染之)
  2. Vertex Processing: (对顶点的处理)
    1. Each vertex is acted upon by a Vertex Shader. Each vertex in the stream is processed in turn into an output vertex.(每个顶点都由一个顶点着色器控制。顶点缓存中的各个顶点依次被转换为一个输出顶点,即由`gl_Position = xxx;`设定输出值。)
    2. Optional primitive tessellation stages.(可选的图元细分阶段)
    3. Optional Geometry Shader primitive processing. The output is a sequence of primitives.(可选的几何着色器处理阶段,其输出为一系列图元。)
  3. Vertex Post-Processing, the outputs of the last stage are adjusted or shipped to different locations. (顶点后处理,这一步骤的处理结果可能被送到不同的地方去,比如:)
    1. Transform Feedback happens here.(Transform Feedback在此发动。)
    2. Primitive Clipping, the perspective divide, and the viewport transform to window space.(图元裁剪,视角除法,还有把视口变换到窗口空间。)
  4. Primitive Assembly(图元组装)
  5. Scan conversion and primitive parameter interpolation, which generates a number of Fragments.(扫描转换和图元插值)
  6. A Fragment Shader processes each fragment. Each fragment generates a number of outputs.(一个片段着色器处理每个片段。每个片段都产生若干输出数据。)
  7. Per-Sample_Processing: (逐采样的处理)
    1. Scissor Test(裁剪测试)
    2. Stencil Test(模板测试)
    3. Depth Test(深度测试)
    4. Blending(混合)
    5. Logical Operation(逻辑操作)
    6. Write Mask(写入掩码)


Main article: Vertex Specification(更多资讯,点击Vertex Specification)

The process of vertex
specification is where the application sets up an ordered list of vertices to
send to the pipeline. These vertices define the boundaries of a primitive.


Primitives are basic drawing
shapes, like triangles, lines, and points. Exactly how the list of vertices is
interpreted as primitives is handled via a later stage.


This part of the pipeline deals
with a number of objects like Vertex Array Objects and Vertex Buffer Objects. Vertex Array Objects
define what data each vertex has, while Vertex Buffer Objects store the actual
vertex data itself.

这部分的管道会和Vertex Array ObjectsVertex Buffer Objects打交道。Vertex Array Objects定义了顶点由哪些Vertex Buffer Objects组成,Vertex Buffer Objects则定义了具体的顶点数据。

A vertex's data is a series of attributes.
Each attribute is a small set of data that the next stage will do computations
on. While a set of attributes do specify a vertex, there is nothing that says
that part of a vertex's attribute set needs to be a position or normal.
Attribute data is entirely arbitrary; the only meaning assigned to any of it
happens in the vertex processing stage.



Main article: Vertex
更多资讯,点击Vertex Rendering)

Once the vertex data is properly
specified, it is then rendered as a Primitive via
a drawing command.




Vertices fetched due to the prior
vertex rendering stage begin their processing here. The vertex processing
stages are almost all programmable operations. This allows user code to customize
the way vertices are processed. Each stage represents a different kind of
shader operation.


Many of these stages are



Main article: Vertex

Vertex shaders perform basic
processing of each individual vertex. Vertex shaders receive the attribute
inputs from the vertex rendering and converts each incoming vertex into a
single outgoing vertex based on an arbitrary, user-defined program.


Vertex shaders can have
user-defined outputs, but there is also a special output that represents the
final position of the vertex. If there are no subsequent vertex processing
stages, vertex shaders are expected to fill in this position with the
clip-space position of the vertex, for rendering purposes.


One limitation on vertex
processing is that each input vertex must map to a specific output
vertex. And because vertex shader invocations cannot share state
between them, the input attributes to output vertex data mapping is 1:1. That
is, if you feed the exact same attributes to the same vertex shader in the same
primitive, you will get the same output vertex data. This gives implementations
the right to optimize vertex processing; if they can detect that they're about
to process a previously processed vertex, they can use the previously processed
data stored in a post-transform cache. Thus they do not have to
run the vertex processing on that data again.

关于顶点处理的一个限制是:输入一个顶点必须对应输出一个顶点。由于顶点着色器针对各个顶点的调用过程都是互相不能共享任何信息、状态的,输入的属性值和输出的顶点数据之间也是一一映射关系。这就是说,如果你给顶点着色器的相同的输入,你会得到完全相同的输出。这就使得OpenGL实现(显卡或软渲染程序)可以优化顶点处理过程:如果OpenGL检测到它即将处理一个曾经处理过的完全相同的顶点数据,它就可以直接使用缓存在post-transform cache里的结果。因此OpenGL就可以少执行一次顶点着色器程序了。

Vertex shaders are not optional.





Core in version


Core since version


Core ARB extension


Main article: Tessellation Shader(更多资讯,点击Tessellation Shader)

Primitives can be tessellated
using two shader stages and a fixed-function tessellator between them. The Tessellation Control Shader (TCS) stage
comes first, and it determines the amount of tessellation to apply to a
primitive, as well as ensuring connectivity between adjacent tessellated primitives.
The Tessellation Evaluation Shader (TES)
stage comes last, and it applies the interpolation or other operations used to
compute user-defined data values for primitives generated by the fixed-function
tessellation process.

顶点可以被细分,靠的是两个shader步骤及其之间的一个固定功能tessellator(原谅我不知道怎么翻译这个词)。首先是Tessellation Control Shader(TCS),它决定了一个图元被细分成多少块,并且确保互联的图元之间的关联关系(什么意思?)。然后是Tessellation Evaluation Shader(TES),它执行插值或者其他操作,最终计算出细分的图元数据。

Tessellation as a process is
optional. Tessellation is considered active if a TES is active. The TCS is
optional, but a TCS can only be used alongside a TES.


Main article: Geometry
更多资讯,点击Geometry Shader)

Geometry shaders are user-defined
programs that process each incoming primitive, returning zero or more output


The input primitives for geometry
shaders are the output primitives from a subset of the Primitive
process. So if you send a triangle strip as a single primitive,
what the geometry shader will see is a series of triangles.


However, there are a number of
input primitive types that are defined specifically for geometry shaders. These
adjacency primitives give GS's a larger view of the primitives; they provide
access to vertices of primitives adjacent to the current one.


The output of a GS is zero or
more simple primitives, much like the output of primitive assembly. The GS is
able to remove primitives, or tessellate them by outputting many primitives for
a single input. The GS can also tinker with the vertex values themselves,
either doing some of the work for the vertex shader, or just to interpolate the
values when tessellating them. Geometry shaders can even convert primitives to
different types; input point primitives can become triangles, or lines can
become points.


Geometry shaders are optional.




Main article: Vertex Post-Processing(更多资讯,点击Vertex Post-Processing)

After the shader-based vertex
processing, vertices undergo a number of fixed-function processing steps.



Main article: Transform
更多资讯,点击Transform Feedback)

The outputs of the geometry
shader or primitive assembly are written to a series of buffer
that have been setup for this purpose. This is called transform
feedback mode; it allows the user to do transform data via vertex and geometry
shaders, then hold on to that data for use later.

如果启用Transform Feedback,几何着色器或图元组装阶段的输出会被写入某些缓存对象。此时我们称做transform

The data output into the
transform feedback buffer is the data from each primitive emitted by this step.

写入transform feedback缓存的数据来自这一步计算出的所有图元。


Main article: Clipping(更多资讯,点击Clipping)

The primitives are then clipped.
Clipping means that primitives that lie on the boundary between the inside of
the viewing volume and the outside are split into several primitives, such that
the entire primitive lies in the volume. Also, the last Vertex
shader stage can specify user-defined clipping operations, on a
per-vertex basis.


The vertex positions are
transformed from clip-space to window space via the Perspective
and the Viewport Transform.




Main article: Primitive
更多资讯,点击Primitive Assembly)

Primitive assembly is the process
of collecting a run of vertex data output from the prior stages and composing
it into a sequence of primitives. The type of primitive the user rendered with
determines how this process works.


The output of this process is an
ordered sequence of simple primitives (lines, points, or triangles). If the
input is a triangle strip primitive containing 12 vertices, for example, the
output of this process will be 10 triangles.


If tessellation or geometry
shaders are active, then a limited form of primitive assembly is executed
before these Vertex Processing stages. This is used to feed
those particular shader stages with individual primitives, rather than a
sequence of vertices.


The rendering pipeline can also
be aborted at this stage. This allows the use of Transform
operations, without having to actually render something.



Main article: Face

Triangle primitives can be culled
(ie: discarded without rendering) based on the triangle's facing in window
space. This allows you to avoid rendering triangles facing away from the
viewer. For closed surfaces, such triangles would naturally be covered up by
triangles facing the user, so there is never any need to render them. Face
culling is a way to avoid rendering such primitives.




Main article: Rasterization(更多资讯,点击Rasterization)

Primitives that reach this stage
are then rasterized in the order in which they were given. The result of
rasterizing a primitive is a sequence of Fragments.


A fragment is a set of state that
is used to compute the final data for a pixel (or sample if multisampling
is enabled) in the output framebuffer. The state for a fragment includes its
position in screen-space, the sample coverage if multisampling is enabled, and
a list of arbitrary data that was output from the previous vertex or geometry


This last set of data is computed
by interpolating between the data values in the vertices for the fragment. The
style of interpolation is defined by the shader that outputed those values.




Main article: Fragment
更多资讯,点击Fragment Shader)

The data for each fragment from
the rasterization stage is processed by a fragment shader. The output from a
fragment shader is a list of colors for each of the color buffers being written
to, a depth value, and a stencil value. Fragment shaders are not able to set
the stencil data for a fragment, but they do have control over the color and
depth values.


Fragment shaders are optional. If
you render without a fragment shader, the depth (and stencil) values of the
fragment get their usual values. But the value of all of the colors that a
fragment could have are undefined. Rendering without a fragment shader is
useful when rendering only a primitive's default depth information to the depth
buffer, such as when performing Occlusion




Main article: Per-Sample_Processing(更多资讯,点击Per-Sample_Processing)

The fragment data output from the
fragment processor is then passed through a sequence of steps.


The first step is a sequence of
culling tests; if a test is active and the fragment fails the test, the
underlying pixels/samples are not updated (usually). Many of these tests are
only active if the user activates them. The tests are: (第一步是一系列剔除测试。如果某项测试被启用了并且一个片段没有通过测试,那么(一般情况下)这个片段就会被抛弃,即不会影响到将来的像素/采样值。许多测试只有用户(OpenGL程序员)启用他们后才会生效。这些测试是:)

  • Pixel
    ownership test: Fails if the fragment's pixel is not "owned" by
    OpenGL (if another window is overlapping with the GL window). Always
    passes when using a Framebuffer Object. Failure means that the
    pixel contains undefined values.(像素归属测试:如果片段所在的像素不属于OpenGL(如果另一个窗口覆盖在GL窗口上),那么测试不通过。当使用Framebuffer对象时,测试永远通过。测试不通过意味着像素包含未定义的值。)
  • Scissor
    : When enabled, the test fails if the fragment's pixel lies
    outside of a specified rectangle of the screen.(剪切测试:启用后,若片段的像素位于指定范围之外则测试不通过。)
  • Stencil
    : When enabled, the test fails if the stencil value provided by
    the test does not compare as the user specifies against the stencil value
    from the underlying sample in the stencil buffer. Note that the stencil
    value in the framebuffer can still be modified even if the stencil test
    fails (and even if the depth test fails).(模板测试:启用后,若test提供的模板值与模板缓存中的模板值并不具有用户指定的关系,则测试不通过。注意,即使模板测试失败,Framebuffer中的模板值仍旧会被修改。)
  • Depth
    : When enabled, the test fails if the fragment's depth does not
    compare as the user specifies against the depth value from the underlying
    sample in the depth buffer.(深度测试:启用后,若片段的深度值与深度缓存中的深度值并不符合用户指定的要求,则测试不通过。)

Note: Though these are specified to happen
after the Fragment Shader, they can be made to happen before the fragment shader under certain
conditions. If they happen before the FS, then any culling of the fragment will
also prevent the fragment shader from executing, this saving performance.(注意:尽管这些测试名义上是在片段着色器之后发生的,在某些条件下他们其实可以在片段着色器之前发生。如果他们在片段着色器之前发生,那么在任何剔除片段的测试不通过时,接下来的片段着色器都不会执行了。这可以提升性能。)

After this, color blending
happens. For each fragment color value, there is a specific blending operation
between it and the color already in the framebuffer at that location. Logical
may also take place in lieu of blending, which perform bitwise
operations between the fragment colors and framebuffer colors.


Lastly, the fragment data is
written to the framebuffer. Masking operations allow the user to prevent writes to
certain values. Color, depth, and stencil writes can be masked on and off;
individual color channels can be masked as well.


Retrieved from







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