
这一题在leetcode前面一道题word break 的基础上用数组保存前驱路径,然后在前驱路径上用DFS可以构造所有解。但是要注意的是动态规划中要去掉前一道题的一些约束条件(具体可以对比两段代码),如果不去掉则会漏掉一些解(前一道题加约束条件是为了更快的判断是字符串是够能被分词,这里是为了找出所有分词的情况)


 class Solution {
vector<string> wordBreak(string s, unordered_set<string> &dict)
// Note: The Solution object is instantiated only once and is reused by each test case.
vector<string> result;
return result;
const int len = s.size();
bool canBreak[len]; //canBreak[i] = true 表示s[0~i]是否能break
memset(canBreak, , sizeof(bool)*len);
bool **pre = new bool *[len];//如果s[k..i]是字典中的单词,则pre[i][k]=true
for(int i = ; i < len; i++)
pre[i] = new bool[len];
memset(pre[i], , sizeof(bool)*len);
} for(int i = ; i <= len; i++)
if(dictContain(dict, s.substr(, i)))
canBreak[i-] = true;
pre[i-][] = true;
if(canBreak[i-] == true)
for(int j = ; j <= len - i; j++)
if(dictContain(dict,s.substr(i, j)))
canBreak[j+i-] = true;
pre[j+i-][i] = true;
//return false;
vector<int> insertPos;
getResult(s, pre, len, len-, insertPos, result);
return result;
} bool dictContain(unordered_set<string> &dict, string s)
unordered_set<string>::iterator ite = dict.find(s);
if(ite != dict.end())
return true;
else return false;
} //在字符串的某些位置插入空格,返回新字符串
string insertBlank(string s,vector<int>pos)
string result = "";
int base = ;
for(int i = pos.size()-; i>=; i--)
if(pos[i] == )continue;//开始位置不用插入空格
result += (s.substr(base, pos[i]-base) + " ");
base = pos[i];
result += s.substr(base, s.length()-base);
return result;
} //从前驱路径中构造结果
void getResult(string s, bool **pre, int len, int currentPos,
vector<string> &result)
if(currentPos == -)
for(int i = ; i < len; i++)
if(pre[currentPos][i] == true)
getResult(s, pre, len, i-, insertPos, result);


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