/* 题目1002:Grading
时间限制:1 秒
内存限制:32 兆
特殊判题:否 题目描述:
Grading hundreds of thousands of Graduate Entrance Exams is a hard work.
It is even harder to design a process to make the results as fair as possible.
One way is to assign each exam problem to 3 independent experts.
If they do not agree to each other,
a judge is invited to make the final decision.
Now you are asked to write a program to help this process.
For each problem, there is a full-mark P and a tolerance T(<P) given.
The grading rules are:
• A problem will first be assigned to 2 experts, to obtain G1 and G2.
If the difference is within the tolerance,
that is, if |G1 - G2| ≤ T,
this problem's grade will be the average of G1 and G2.
• If the difference exceeds T, the 3rd expert will give G3.
• If G3 is within the tolerance with either G1 or G2, but NOT both,
then this problem's grade will be the average of G3 and the closest grade.
• If G3 is within the tolerance with both G1 and G2,
then this problem's grade will be the maximum of the three grades.
• If G3 is within the tolerance with neither G1 nor G2,
a judge will give the final grade GJ.
Each input file may contain more than one test case.
Each case occupies a line containing six positive integers:
P, T, G1, G2, G3, and GJ, as described in the problem.
It is guaranteed that all the grades are valid,
that is, in the interval [0, P].
For each test case you should output the final grade of the problem in a line.
The answer must be accurate to 1 decimal place.
20 2 15 13 10 18
/************************************************************************/ #include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
double sAbs(double x)
if(x>=)return x;
else return -x;
double max(double x, double y , double z)
int main()
double P,T,G1,G2,G3,GJ;
double temp,temp3,final;
bool isTwoLarger;
P = T = G1 = G2 = G3 = GJ = ;
isTwoLarger = false;
if(T>P)cout<<"Data Error!"<<endl;
//((G1-G2)<=0)?(isTwoLarger = true):(isTwoLarger = false);
//if(isTwoLarger)temp = G2 - G1;
//else temp = G1 - G2;
//if(temp<=T)final = (G1+G2)/2.0;
//else if(isTwoLarger)
// if(G3<=G1)
// if((G1-G3)>T)final = GJ;
// else final = (G3+G1)/2.0;
// else if(G3>G2)
// if((G3-G2)>T)final = GJ;
// else final = (G3+G2)/2.0;
// else
// {
// temp = G3-G1;
// temp3 = G2-G3;
// if((temp<=T)&&(temp3<=T))final = G2;
// else if((temp>T)&&(temp3>T))final = GJ;
// else if((temp3-temp)>0)
// final = (G3+G1)/2.0;
// else final = (G3+G2)/2.0;
// }
// if(G3<=G2)
// if((G2-G3)>T)final = GJ;
// else final = (G3+G2)/2.0;
// else if(G3>G1)
// if((G3-G1)>T)final = GJ;
// else final = (G3+G1)/2.0;
// else
// {
// temp = G3-G2;
// temp3 = G1-G3;
// if((temp<=T)&&(temp3<=T))final = G1;
// else if((temp>T)&&(temp3>T))final = GJ;
// else if((temp3-temp)>0)
// final = (G3+G2)/2.0;
// else final = (G3+G1)/2.0;
// }
if(sAbs(G1-G2)<=T)final = (G1+G2)/2.0;
else if((sAbs(G1-G3)<=T)&&(sAbs(G2-G3)<=T)) final = max(G1,G2,G3);
else if(sAbs(G2-G3)<=T) final = (G2+G3)/2.0;
else if(sAbs(G1-G3)<=T)final = (G1+G3)/2.0;
else final = GJ;
return ;
} //#include <iostream>
//#include <iomanip>
//#include <cmath>
//using namespace std;
//double getMax( double x, double y, double z)
// return
// (x>y)?
// ((x>z)?x:z)
// :((y>z)?y:z);
//int main()
// double P,T,G1,G2,G3,GJ;
// double final;
// cin>>P>>T>>G1>>G2>>G3>>GJ;
// if(abs(G1-G2)<=T)
// {
// cout<<fixed<<::setprecision(1)<<(G1+G2)/2.0<<endl;
// }
// else if(abs(G3-G1)<=T&&abs(G3-G2)<=T)
// {
// cout<<fixed<<::setprecision(1)<<getMax(G1,G2,G3)<<endl;
// }
// else if(abs(G3-G2)<=T)
// {
// cout<<fixed<<::setprecision(1)<<(G3+G2)/2.0<<endl;
// }
// else if(abs(G3-G1)<=T)
// {
// cout<<fixed<<::setprecision(1)<<(G3+G1)/2.0<<endl;
// }
// else
// {
// cout<<fixed<<::setprecision(1)<<GJ<<endl;
// }
// return 0;
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