import numpy as np
import ObjFunction
import copy class PSOIndividual: '''
individual of PSO
''' def __init__(self, vardim, bound):
vardim: dimension of variables
bound: boundaries of variables
self.vardim = vardim
self.bound = bound
self.fitness = 0. def generate(self):
generate a rondom chromsome
len = self.vardim
rnd = np.random.random(size=len)
self.chrom = np.zeros(len)
self.velocity = np.random.random(size=len)
for i in xrange(0, len):
self.chrom[i] = self.bound[0, i] + \
(self.bound[1, i] - self.bound[0, i]) * rnd[i]
self.bestPosition = np.zeros(len)
self.bestFitness = 0. def calculateFitness(self):
calculate the fitness of the chromsome
self.fitness = ObjFunction.GrieFunc(
self.vardim, self.chrom, self.bound)
import numpy as np
from PSOIndividual import PSOIndividual
import random
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class ParticleSwarmOptimization: '''
the class for Particle Swarm Optimization
''' def __init__(self, sizepop, vardim, bound, MAXGEN, params):
sizepop: population sizepop
vardim: dimension of variables
bound: boundaries of variables
MAXGEN: termination condition
params: algorithm required parameters, it is a list which is consisting of[w, c1, c2]
self.sizepop = sizepop
self.vardim = vardim
self.bound = bound
self.params = params
self.population = []
self.fitness = np.zeros((self.sizepop, 1))
self.trace = np.zeros((self.MAXGEN, 2)) def initialize(self):
initialize the population of pso
for i in xrange(0, self.sizepop):
ind = PSOIndividual(self.vardim, self.bound)
self.population.append(ind) def evaluation(self):
evaluation the fitness of the population
for i in xrange(0, self.sizepop):
self.fitness[i] = self.population[i].fitness
if self.population[i].fitness > self.population[i].bestFitness:
self.population[i].bestFitness = self.population[i].fitness
self.population[i].bestIndex = copy.deepcopy(
self.population[i].chrom) def update(self):
update the population of pso
for i in xrange(0, self.sizepop):
self.population[i].velocity = self.params[0] * self.population[i].velocity + self.params[1] * np.random.random(self.vardim) * (
self.population[i].bestPosition - self.population[i].chrom) + self.params[2] * np.random.random(self.vardim) * (self.best.chrom - self.population[i].chrom)
self.population[i].chrom = self.population[
i].chrom + self.population[i].velocity def solve(self):
the evolution process of the pso algorithm
self.t = 0
best = np.max(self.fitness)
bestIndex = np.argmax(self.fitness)
self.best = copy.deepcopy(self.population[bestIndex])
self.avefitness = np.mean(self.fitness)
self.trace[self.t, 0] = (1 - self.best.fitness) / self.best.fitness
self.trace[self.t, 1] = (1 - self.avefitness) / self.avefitness
print("Generation %d: optimal function value is: %f; average function value is %f" % (
self.t, self.trace[self.t, 0], self.trace[self.t, 1]))
while self.t < self.MAXGEN - 1:
self.t += 1
best = np.max(self.fitness)
bestIndex = np.argmax(self.fitness)
if best > self.best.fitness:
self.best = copy.deepcopy(self.population[bestIndex])
self.avefitness = np.mean(self.fitness)
self.trace[self.t, 0] = (1 - self.best.fitness) / self.best.fitness
self.trace[self.t, 1] = (1 - self.avefitness) / self.avefitness
print("Generation %d: optimal function value is: %f; average function value is %f" % (
self.t, self.trace[self.t, 0], self.trace[self.t, 1])) print("Optimal function value is: %f; " % self.trace[self.t, 0])
print "Optimal solution is:"
print self.best.chrom
self.printResult() def printResult(self):
plot the result of pso algorithm
x = np.arange(0, self.MAXGEN)
y1 = self.trace[:, 0]
y2 = self.trace[:, 1]
plt.plot(x, y1, 'r', label='optimal value')
plt.plot(x, y2, 'g', label='average value')
plt.ylabel("function value")
plt.title("Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for function optimization")
if __name__ == "__main__": bound = np.tile([[-600], [600]], 25)
pso = PSO(60, 25, bound, 1000, [0.7298, 1.4962, 1.4962])
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