第八章 self sizing cell
本项目是《beginning iOS8 programming with swift》中的项目学习笔记==》全部笔记目录
Self Sizing Cell的设置通常有如下三个主要步骤:
找到DetailView的界面,在prototype cell中添加auto layout约束
指定TableView的estimated row height
设置row height为UITableViewAutomaticDimention
1. 修改Restaurant中的locaiton为全名(用很长的名称,使得一行显示不下):
var restaurants = [
Restaurant(name: "Cafe Deadend", type: "Coffee & Tea Shop", location: "G/F, 72 Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong", image: "cafedeadend.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Homei", type: "Cafe", location: "Shop B, G/F, 22-24A Tai Ping San Street SOHO, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong", image: "homei.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Teakha", type: "Tea House", location: "Shop B, 18 Tai Ping Shan Road SOHO, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong", image: "teakha.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Cafe loisl", type: "Austrian / Causual Drink", location: "Shop B, 20 Tai Ping Shan Road SOHO, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong", image: "cafeloisl.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Petite Oyster", type: "French", location: "24 Tai Ping Shan Road SOHO, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong", image: "petiteoyster.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "For Kee Restaurant", type: "Bakery", location: "Shop J-K., 200 Hollywood Road, SOHO, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong", image: "forkeerestaurant.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Po's Atelier", type: "Bakery", location: "G/F, 62 Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong", image: "posatelier.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Bourke Street Backery", type: "Chocolate", location: "633 Bourke St Sydney New South Wales 2010 Surry Hills", image: "bourkestreetbakery.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Haigh's Chocolate", type: "Cafe", location: "412-414 George St Sydney New South Wales", image: "haighschocolate.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Palomino Espresso", type: "American / Seafood", location: "Shop 1 61 York St Sydney New South Wales", image: "palominoespresso.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Upstate", type: "American", location: "95 1st Ave New York, NY 10003", image: "upstate.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Traif", type: "American", location: "229 S 4th St Brooklyn, NY 11211", image: "traif.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Graham Avenue Meats", type: "Breakfast & Brunch", location: "445 Graham Ave Brooklyn, NY 11211", image: "grahamavenuemeats.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Waffle & Wolf", type: "Coffee & Tea", location: "413 Graham Ave Brooklyn, NY 11211", image: "wafflewolf.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Five Leaves", type: "Coffee & Tea", location: "18 Bedford Ave Brooklyn, NY 11222", image: "fiveleaves.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Cafe Lore", type: "Latin American", location: "Sunset Park 4601 4th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11220", image: "cafelore.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Confessional", type: "Spanish", location: "308 E 6th St New York, NY 10003", image: "confessional.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Barrafina", type: "Spanish", location: "54 Frith Street London W1D 4SL United Kingdom", image: "barrafina.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Donostia", type: "Spanish", location: "10 Seymour Place London W1H 7ND United Kingdom", image: "donostia.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Royal Oak", type: "British", location: "2 Regency Street London SW1P 4BZ United Kingdom", image: "royaloak.jpg", isVisited: false),
Restaurant(name: "Thai Cafe", type: "Thai", location: "22 Charlwood Street London SW1V 2DY Pimlico", image: "thaicafe.jpg", isVisited: false)
2. 设置Detail视图中表格的两个Label控件水平居中、Name距离左边距9点、Value距离左边距87点,距离右边距10点(最好先Reset to suggested constrain)。
3. 在Detail的viewDidLoaded方法中:
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 36.0
tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
4. 选中Value Label,设置行数为0,否则不会换行。
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