Matlab实现线性回归和逻辑回归: Linear Regression & Logistic Regression
Matlab 实现各种回归函数
Y=1/(1+e^X)型---逻辑回归(sigmod 函数拟合)
设待拟合参数 θn*1 和输入参数[ xm*n, ym*1 ] 。
① cost function(指出真实值y与拟合值h<hypothesis>之间的距离):给出cost function 的表达式,每次迭代保证cost function的量减小;给出梯度gradient,即cost function对每一个参数θ的求导结果。
function [ jVal,gradient ] = costFunction ( theta )
② Gradient_descent(主函数):用来运行梯度下降算法,调用上面的cost function进行不断迭代,直到最大迭代次数达到给定标准或者cost function返回值不再减小。
function [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag]=Gradient_descent( )
其cost function 为:
逻辑回归:拟合方程为hθ(x)=1/(1+e^(θTx)),其cost function 为:
cost function对各θj的求导请自行求取,看第三章最后一图,或者参见后文代码。
在Matlab 线性拟合 & 非线性拟合中我们已经讲过如何用matlab自带函数fit进行直线和曲线的拟合,非常实用。而这里我们是进行ML课程的学习,因此研究如何利用前面讲到的梯度下降法(gradient descent)进行拟合。
- function [ jVal,gradient ] = costFunction2( theta )
- %COSTFUNCTION2 Summary of this function goes here
- % linear regression -> y=theta0 + theta1*x
- % parameter: x:m*n theta:n* y:m* (m=,n=)
- %
- %Data
- x=[;;;];
- y=[1.1;2.2;2.7;3.8];
- m=size(x,);
- hypothesis = h_func(x,theta);
- delta = hypothesis - y;
- jVal=sum(delta.^);
- gradient()=sum(delta)/m;
- gradient()=sum(delta.*x)/m;
- end
- function [res] = h_func(inputx,theta)
- %H_FUNC Summary of this function goes here
- % Detailed explanation goes here
- %cost function
- res= theta()+theta()*inputx;function [res] = h_func(inputx,theta)
- end
- function [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag]=Gradient_descent( )
- %GRADIENT_DESCENT Summary of this function goes here
- % Detailed explanation goes here
- options = optimset('GradObj','on','MaxIter',);
- initialTheta = zeros(,);
- [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag] = fminunc(@costFunction2,initialTheta,options);
- end
- >> [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag] = Gradient_descent()
- Local minimum found.
- Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than
- the default value of the function tolerance.
- <stopping criteria details>
- optTheta =
- 0.3000
- 0.8600
- functionVal =
- 0.0720
- exitFlag =
- function [ parameter ] = checkcostfunc( )
- %CHECKC2 Summary of this function goes here
- % check if the cost function works well
- % check with the matlab fit function as standard
- %check cost function
- x=[;;;];
- y=[1.1;2.2;2.7;3.8];
- EXPR= {'x',''};
- p=fittype(EXPR);
- parameter=fit(x,y,p);
- end
- >> checkcostfunc()
- ans =
- Linear model:
- ans(x) = a*x + b
- Coefficients (with % confidence bounds):
- a = 0.86 (0.4949, 1.225)
- b = 0.3 (-0.6998, 1.3)
- function PlotFunc( xstart,xend )
- %PLOTFUNC Summary of this function goes here
- % draw original data and the fitted
- %===================cost function ====linear regression
- %original data
- x1=[;;;];
- y1=[1.1;2.2;2.7;3.8];
- %plot(x1,y1,'ro-','MarkerSize',);
- plot(x1,y1,'rx','MarkerSize',);
- hold on;
- %fitted line - 拟合曲线
- x_co=xstart:0.1:xend;
- y_co=0.3+0.86*x_co;
- %plot(x_co,y_co,'g');
- plot(x_co,y_co);
- hold off;
- end

过拟合问题解决方法我们已在第三章中讲过,利用Regularization的方法就是在cost function中加入关于θ的项,使得部分θ的值偏小,从而达到fit效果。
在每次迭代中,按照gradient descent的方法更新参数θ:θ(i)-=gradient(i),其中gradient(i)是J(θ)对θi求导的函数式,在此例中就有gradient(1)=2*(theta(1)-5), gradient(2)=2*(theta(2)-5)。
函数costFunction, 定义jVal=J(θ)和对两个θ的gradient:
- function [ jVal,gradient ] = costFunction( theta )
- %COSTFUNCTION Summary of this function goes here
- % Detailed explanation goes here
- jVal= (theta()-)^+(theta()-)^;
- gradient = zeros(,);
- %code to compute derivative to theta
- gradient() = * (theta()-);
- gradient() = * (theta()-);
- end
- function [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag]=Gradient_descent( )
- %GRADIENT_DESCENT Summary of this function goes here
- % Detailed explanation goes here
- options = optimset('GradObj','on','MaxIter',);
- initialTheta = zeros(,)
- [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag] = fminunc(@costFunction,initialTheta,options);
- end
- [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag] = Gradient_descent()
- initialTheta =
- Local minimum found.
- Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than
- the default value of the function tolerance.
- <stopping criteria details>
- optTheta =
- functionVal =
- exitFlag =
第四部分:Y=1/(1+e^X)型---逻辑回归(sigmod 函数拟合)
hypothesis function:
- function [res] = h_func(inputx,theta)
- %cost function
- tmp=theta()+theta()*inputx;%m*
- res=./(+exp(-tmp));%m*
- end
cost function:
- function [ jVal,gradient ] = costFunction3( theta )
- %COSTFUNCTION3 Summary of this function goes here
- % Logistic Regression
- x=[-; -; -; ; ; ; ];
- y=[0.01; 0.05; 0.3; 0.45; 0.8; 1.1; 0.99];
- m=size(x,);
- %hypothesis data
- hypothesis = h_func(x,theta);
- %jVal-cost function & gradient updating
- jVal=-sum(log(hypothesis+0.01).*y + (-y).*log(-hypothesis+0.01))/m;
- gradient()=sum(hypothesis-y)/m; %reflect to theta1
- gradient()=sum((hypothesis-y).*x)/m; %reflect to theta
- end
- function [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag]=Gradient_descent( )
- options = optimset('GradObj','on','MaxIter',);
- initialTheta = [;];
- [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag] = fminunc(@costFunction3,initialTheta,options);
- end
- [optTheta,functionVal,exitFlag] = Gradient_descent()
- Local minimum found.
- Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than
- the default value of the function tolerance.
- <stopping criteria details>
- optTheta =
- 0.3526
- 1.7573
- functionVal =
- 0.2498
- exitFlag =

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