package clientv3

import (

    pb ""

type (
    AuthEnableResponse               pb.AuthEnableResponse
    AuthDisableResponse              pb.AuthDisableResponse
    AuthenticateResponse             pb.AuthenticateResponse
    AuthUserAddResponse              pb.AuthUserAddResponse
    AuthUserDeleteResponse           pb.AuthUserDeleteResponse
    AuthUserChangePasswordResponse   pb.AuthUserChangePasswordResponse
    AuthUserGrantRoleResponse        pb.AuthUserGrantRoleResponse
    AuthUserGetResponse              pb.AuthUserGetResponse
    AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse       pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse
    AuthRoleAddResponse              pb.AuthRoleAddResponse
    AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse  pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse
    AuthRoleGetResponse              pb.AuthRoleGetResponse
    AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse
    AuthRoleDeleteResponse           pb.AuthRoleDeleteResponse
    AuthUserListResponse             pb.AuthUserListResponse
    AuthRoleListResponse             pb.AuthRoleListResponse

    PermissionType authpb.Permission_Type
    Permission     authpb.Permission

const (
    PermRead      = authpb.READ
    PermWrite     = authpb.WRITE
    PermReadWrite = authpb.READWRITE

type Auth interface {
    // AuthEnable enables auth of an etcd cluster.
       //开启授权在 etcd集群中
    AuthEnable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthEnableResponse, error)

    // AuthDisable disables auth of an etcd cluster.
//关闭授权 在集群中
    AuthDisable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthDisableResponse, error)

    // UserAdd adds a new user to an etcd cluster.
    UserAdd(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserAddResponse, error)

    // UserDelete deletes a user from an etcd cluster.
    UserDelete(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserDeleteResponse, error)

    // UserChangePassword changes a password of a user.
    UserChangePassword(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserChangePasswordResponse, error)

    // UserGrantRole grants a role to a user.
    UserGrantRole(ctx context.Context, user string, role string) (*AuthUserGrantRoleResponse, error)

    // UserGet gets a detailed information of a user.
    UserGet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserGetResponse, error)

    // UserList gets a list of all users.
    UserList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthUserListResponse, error)

    // UserRevokeRole revokes a role of a user.
    UserRevokeRole(ctx context.Context, name string, role string) (*AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse, error)

    // RoleAdd adds a new role to an etcd cluster.
//在集群中 添加一个角色
    RoleAdd(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthRoleAddResponse, error)

    // RoleGrantPermission grants a permission to a role.
    RoleGrantPermission(ctx context.Context, name string, key, rangeEnd string, permType PermissionType) (*AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse, error)

    // RoleGet gets a detailed information of a role.
    RoleGet(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleGetResponse, error)

    // RoleList gets a list of all roles.
//获取集群中 所有的角色列表
    RoleList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthRoleListResponse, error)

    // RoleRevokePermission revokes a permission from a role.
//撤销一个角色对应的权限  与RoleGrantPermission  相反的操作
    RoleRevokePermission(ctx context.Context, role string, key, rangeEnd string) (*AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse, error)

    // RoleDelete deletes a role.
    RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleDeleteResponse, error)
type auth struct {
    c *Client
    conn   *grpc.ClientConn // conn in-use
    remote pb.AuthClient
func NewAuth(c *Client) Auth {
    conn := c.ActiveConnection()
    return &auth{
        conn:   c.ActiveConnection(),
        remote: pb.NewAuthClient(conn),
        c:      c,
func (auth *auth) AuthEnable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthEnableResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.AuthEnable(ctx, &pb.AuthEnableRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthEnableResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) AuthDisable(ctx context.Context) (*AuthDisableResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.AuthDisable(ctx, &pb.AuthDisableRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthDisableResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserAdd(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserAddResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserAdd(ctx, &pb.AuthUserAddRequest{Name: name, Password: password})
    return (*AuthUserAddResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserDelete(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserDeleteResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserDelete(ctx, &pb.AuthUserDeleteRequest{Name: name})
    return (*AuthUserDeleteResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserChangePassword(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthUserChangePasswordResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserChangePassword(ctx, &pb.AuthUserChangePasswordRequest{Name: name, Password: password})
    return (*AuthUserChangePasswordResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserGrantRole(ctx context.Context, user string, role string) (*AuthUserGrantRoleResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserGrantRole(ctx, &pb.AuthUserGrantRoleRequest{User: user, Role: role})
    return (*AuthUserGrantRoleResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserGet(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthUserGetResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserGet(ctx, &pb.AuthUserGetRequest{Name: name}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthUserGetResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthUserListResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserList(ctx, &pb.AuthUserListRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthUserListResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) UserRevokeRole(ctx context.Context, name string, role string) (*AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.UserRevokeRole(ctx, &pb.AuthUserRevokeRoleRequest{Name: name, Role: role})
    return (*AuthUserRevokeRoleResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleAdd(ctx context.Context, name string) (*AuthRoleAddResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleAdd(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleAddRequest{Name: name})
    return (*AuthRoleAddResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleGrantPermission(ctx context.Context, name string, key, rangeEnd string, permType PermissionType) (*AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse, error) {
    perm := &authpb.Permission{
        Key:      []byte(key),
        RangeEnd: []byte(rangeEnd),
        PermType: authpb.Permission_Type(permType),
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleGrantPermission(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleGrantPermissionRequest{Name: name, Perm: perm})
    return (*AuthRoleGrantPermissionResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleGetResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleGet(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleGetRequest{Role: role}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthRoleGetResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleList(ctx context.Context) (*AuthRoleListResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleList(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleListRequest{}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthRoleListResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleRevokePermission(ctx context.Context, role string, key, rangeEnd string) (*AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleRevokePermission(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleRevokePermissionRequest{Role: role, Key: key, RangeEnd: rangeEnd})
    return (*AuthRoleRevokePermissionResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *auth) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, role string) (*AuthRoleDeleteResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.RoleDelete(ctx, &pb.AuthRoleDeleteRequest{Role: role})
    return (*AuthRoleDeleteResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func StrToPermissionType(s string) (PermissionType, error) {
    val, ok := authpb.Permission_Type_value[strings.ToUpper(s)]
    if ok {
        return PermissionType(val), nil
    return PermissionType(-1), fmt.Errorf("invalid permission type: %s", s)

type authenticator struct {
    conn   *grpc.ClientConn // conn in-use
    remote pb.AuthClient

func (auth *authenticator) authenticate(ctx context.Context, name string, password string) (*AuthenticateResponse, error) {
    resp, err := auth.remote.Authenticate(ctx, &pb.AuthenticateRequest{Name: name, Password: password}, grpc.FailFast(false))
    return (*AuthenticateResponse)(resp), toErr(ctx, err)

func (auth *authenticator) close() {

func newAuthenticator(endpoint string, opts []grpc.DialOption) (*authenticator, error) {
    conn, err := grpc.Dial(endpoint, opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &authenticator{
        conn:   conn,
        remote: pb.NewAuthClient(conn),
    }, nil


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