题目如下:解题思路:本题的关键在于题目限定了是连续的数组,我们用一个dp数组保存第i位到数组末位的和。例如nums = [1,1,1],那么dp = [3,2,1], dp[i]表示nums[i]+nums[i+1] +...+nums[len(nums)-1],有了这一个dp数组后,我们很容易就可以得到递推表达式 sum(i,j) = dp[i] - dp[j+1]。最后,顺序遍历dp数组,对于任意的dp[i],只要找到对应的dp[k-i]就可以了。


class Solution(object):
def subarraySum(self, nums, k):
:type nums: List[int]
:type k: int
:rtype: int
dp = [0 for x in nums]
dp[-1] = nums[-1]
dic = {}
dic[dp[-1]] = 1
for i in xrange(-2,-len(nums)-1,-1):
dp[i] = dp[i+1] + nums[i]
if dic.has_key(dp[i]):
dic[dp[i]] += 1
dic[dp[i]] = 1
res = 0
for i,v in enumerate(dp):
if v == k:
res += 1
dic[v] -= 1
if dic.has_key(v-k):
res += dic[v-k] return res

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