view bound:必须传入一个隐式转换函数

class [T <% Ordered [T]]

content bound:必须传入一个隐式值

class [T : Ordering]


!? 同步发送消息,等待反馈信息



scala里面Map 有2个特质:scala.collection.mutable 可变Map

scala.collection.immutable 不可变Map

scala 中如果一行开头用"""  表示开始 , 结尾用""" 表示结束


1+2 与(1).+(2) 表达的效果是一样

val  s = "Hellon Word".toLowerCase   输出结果:hello word

for {句子} yield {循环体}

暂位符语法: _ > 0  坚持值是否大于 0

val f = (_: Int) +(_ : Int)

val b = sum(1, _: Int, 3) b(2) 输出结果 6


 private def fileHere = new File(".").listFiles()
def fileEnding(query: String) = {
for (file <- fileHere; if file.getName.endsWith(query))
yield file
} def fileContaining(query: String){
for (file <- fileHere; if file.getName.concat(query))
yield file
} def filesRegex(query: String): Unit = {
for (file <- fileHere; if file.getName.matches(query))
yield file
} def fileMatching(query: String, matcher: (String, String) => Boolean){
for (file <- fileHere; if matcher(file.getName, query))
yield file


一个方法之只要没有实现(即没有等号或者方法体) 它就是抽象的



样本类和模式匹配:case class name 方便调用

abstract  class CaseClass {
case class Var(name: String) extends CaseClass
case class Number(num: Double) extends CaseClass
case class UnOp(operator: String, args: CaseClass) extends CaseClass
case class BinOp(operator: String, left: CaseClass, right: CaseClass) extends CaseClass def caseTest(){
val v = Val("x")
} def simplifyTop(cass: CaseClass) :CaseClass = cass match{
case UnOp("-",UnOp("-",e)) => e
case BinOp("+", e, Number(0)) => e
case BinOp("*", e, Number(0)) => e
case _ => cass
// 选择器 match {备选项}
//的一个参数匹配“-”,第二个参数匹配e的值 //通配匹配
expr match{
case BinOp(op, left, right) =>
println(expr + "is a binarry operation")
case _ =>
expr match {
case BinOp(_,_,_) => println(expr + "is a birarry operation")
case _ => println("is something else ")






class Person(var firstName: String, var secondName: String, var age: Int){

    def getFirstName = firstName
def getSecondName = secondName
def GetAge = age def setFirstName(value:String):Unit = firstName = value
def setLastName(value:String) = secondName = value
def setAge(value:Int) = age = value override def toString =
"[Person firstName:" + firstName + " lastName:" + secondName +
" age:" + age + " ]" }

添加BeanProperty 后

如果在代码中加入 @scala.reflect.BeanProperty 就是相当于设置了get/set 方法

   class Person(fn:String, ln:String, a:Int)
var firstName = fn @scala.reflect.BeanProperty
var lastName = ln @scala.reflect.BeanProperty
var age = a override def toString =
"[Person firstName:" + firstName + " lastName:" + lastName +
" age:" + age + " ]"


  def findFileName(): Unit ={
val fileName = (new".")).listFiles()
for {
files <- fileName
if files.listFiles()
if files.getName.endsWith("scala")
}System.out.print("file"+ files)


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