【leetcode】301. Remove Invalid Parentheses
class Solution(object):
def removeInvalidParentheses(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: List[str]
queue = [(s,0)]
res = []
dic = {}
while len(queue) > 0:
qs,count = queue.pop(0)
left = right = 0
flag = False
for i,v in enumerate(qs):
if v == '(':
left += 1
elif v == ')':
right += 1
if right > left:
for j in range(i+1):
if qs[j] == ')':
newqs = qs[:j] + qs[j+1:]
if (newqs, count + 1) not in queue:
flag = True
if flag == True:
if left == right:
if qs not in dic:
dic[qs] = 1
if len(res) == 0:
if res[-1][1] > count:
res = [(qs,count)]
elif res[-1][1] == count:
for j, v in enumerate(qs):
if v == '(':
newqs = qs[:j] + qs[j+1:]
if (newqs,count+1) not in queue:
ans = []
for i in res:
return ans
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