
Given the head of a graph, return a deep copy (clone) of the graph. Each node in the graph contains a label (int) and a list (List[UndirectedGraphNode]) of its neighbors. There is an edge between the given node and each of the nodes in its neighbors.

OJ's undirected graph serialization (so you can understand error output):

Nodes are labeled uniquely.

We use # as a separator for each node, and , as a separator for node label and each neighbor of the node.

As an example, consider the serialized graph {0,1,2#1,2#2,2}.

The graph has a total of three nodes, and therefore contains three parts as separated by #.

  1. First node is labeled as 0. Connect node 0 to both nodes 1 and 2.
  2. Second node is labeled as 1. Connect node 1 to node 2.
  3. Third node is labeled as 2. Connect node 2 to node 2 (itself), thus forming a self-cycle.

Visually, the graph looks like the following:

/ \
/ \
0 --- 2
/ \

Note: The information about the tree serialization is only meant so that you can understand error output if you get a wrong answer. You don't need to understand the serialization to solve the problem.



# Definition for a undirected graph node
class UndirectedGraphNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.label = x
self.neighbors = [] class Solution:
# @param node, a undirected graph node
# @return a undirected graph node
def cloneGraph(self, node):
if node == None:
return None
root = UndirectedGraphNode(node.label)
queue = [(node,root)]
dic = {}
dic[root.label] = root
dic_visit = {}
while len(queue) > 0:
n,r = queue.pop(0)
if n.label in dic_visit:
for i in n.neighbors:
if i.label not in dic:
i_node = UndirectedGraphNode(i.label)
dic[i.label] = i_node
i_node = dic[i.label]
queue.append((i, r.neighbors[-1]))
dic_visit[n.label] = 1 return root

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