Installation of the latest version of netease-cloud-music on Fedora 30 linux platform


As we know, netease company pushed debian-based version of cloud-music software that we cannot install directly on fedora where usually needs a rmp package. However, luckily, we can throw out the outside clothes of packaging and use the inner part to realise the cross-distribution of linux. Okay, let's look at the steps to make it. The method in this page is from another blog[1].


  1. Get original software package from official website[2].  Please choose the latest version on ubuntu 18.04.
  2. Pick up something useful. Unzip the deb package and then you need pick up the only compressed package named data.tar.xz. Unzip that as well.
  3. Copy them to suitable position. Copy folders opt and usr to root position. sudo cp -r opt / && usr /
  4. Some issues. You need edit the desktop file of that to show the icon because the original file use related path and now we need use its absolute path for recognising.
     sudo vi /usr/share/applications/netease-cloud-music.desktop

    After changing the desktop file you can find it in the applications. If you cannot still launch it please search the error message that will tip you the dependencies needed.
    I want to recommend a useful website[3] here for extre libraries to install.

  5. If any question, welcome to reply.


  1. fedora 29安装网易云音乐 温锦瑜的博客

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