2016 Multi-University Training Contest 4 - 1005 (hdu5768)
题目大意:给你区间[L,R],问你[L, R]中有多少个数字x满足x%7=0且x%p[i]≠a[i];
1、最好写一个Get(L, R, P, X)函数表示[L,R]区间中有多少个数%P=X,这个函数要写稳。
2、由于这类问题数据范围十分的大,CRT中有一句话ret=(ret+tm*x*a[i])%M是需要写快速乘计算,不然会爆long long,惨死…
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; const int MaxN = ;
int T, n, cas;
LL ans, L, R;
LL P[MaxN + ], A[MaxN + ]; void Init()
scanf("%d%lld%lld", &n, &L, &R);
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) scanf("%lld%lld", &P[i], &A[i]);
} LL Get(LL L, LL R, LL p, LL x)
LL lm = L % p;
LL lc = L / p;
LL rm = R % p;
LL rc = R / p;
LL ans = rc - lc;
if (lm > x) ans--;
if (rm >= x) ans++;
return ans;
} LL extend_gcd(LL a, LL b, LL &x, LL &y)
if (b == ) {
x = ; y = ;
return a;
}else {
LL r = extend_gcd(b, a % b, y, x);
y -= x * (a / b);
return r;
} LL qwr(LL x, LL y, LL MOD)
x = x % MOD;
LL ans = ;
while (y != ) {
if (y & ) ans = (ans + x) % MOD;
y = y / 2LL;
x = (x + x) % MOD;
return ans;
} LL CRT(LL a[], LL m[], int n)
LL M = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) M *= m[i];
LL ret = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) {
LL x, y;
LL tm = M / m[i];
extend_gcd(tm, m[i], x, y);
ret = (ret + qwr(qwr(x, tm, M), a[i], M)) % M;
return (ret + M) % M;
} void Solve()
ans = ;
for (int s = ; s <= (( << (n + )) - ); s++) {
LL p[MaxN + ], a[MaxN + ];
if (s == ) ans += (R - L + ) - Get(L, R, , );
else {
int tot = ; LL Fac = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
if (s & ( << i)) p[++tot] = P[i], a[tot] = A[i], Fac *= p[tot];
if (s & ) {
LL t = ((tot + ) & ) ? : -;
LL crt1 = CRT(a, p, tot);
a[++tot] = ; p[tot] = ;
LL crt2 = CRT(a, p, tot);
ans += t * (Get(L, R, Fac, crt1) - Get(L, R, Fac * (LL), crt2));
else {
LL t = (tot & ) ? : -;
LL crt = CRT(a, p, tot);
ans += t * Get(L, R, Fac, crt);
printf("Case #%d: %lld\n", ++cas, R - L + - ans);
} int main()
scanf("%d", &T);
for (int i = ; i <= T; i++) {
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