The only thing more painful than learning from experience is not learning from experience.


Learning from experience is painful, but the alternative of not learning is worse.

Yes, it it easy to understand why not learning from experience is worse, but why is it painful to learn from experience.

Maybe we can comprehend its meaning in two ways.

For one thing, if learning from others' experience, you will be frustrated if you find what you do turns out to be inferior to others have done, or you will not feel the unique feeling of innovation.

For the other thing, if learning from your own experience, it may be an unpleasant experience to review our past failures and errors, you may have the thought that why I was so stupid then.

It may be a painful process to learn from experience, nevertheless, it is much better than not leaarning from experience, just because without learning from experience, we probably miss the opportunities to improve ourselves and correct our past errors.

And, we not only need to learn from our own experience, we also need to learn from some else's experience, it can be just as powerful or even more. Because that can help us avoid some costly pitfalls and drive on less bumpy roads.

By learning from others, especially their mistakes, we can save countless hours, energy, frustrations, and money, that can allow us to achieve our goals and milestones faster.

So, don't be afraid to hire or consult those experts, they can helps us on our journey, and our investments in them can bring us a multiple return and propel us to much bigger and much better results.

By giving people the power to share, we are making the world more transparent.


From Mark Zuckerberg.

As the founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zurkerbug is really qualified to make such a remark.

The several dominant social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and so on, indeed give the public the power to create unique contents and share information, thereby make the world more transparent and more diverse.

Because in such a world, it becomes much more difficcult to deter the communication of information, and information itself has amazing power and impacts on the society, the very example in the Jasmine Revolution strongly showed the influence of information.

If the information can be shared and spread easily, then it is more diffcult to cover up the truth, and it will be easier to make the world more transparent.

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