python D:\pymine\clean\spider_map\get_bd_uid_rest_b.py python D:\pymine\clean\spider_map\get_bd_uid_rest.py python D:\pymine\clean\spider_map\get_bd_uid_28_other20_b.py #MAX_USED_TIMES = 1900
python D:\pymine\clean\spider_map\get_bd_uid_28_other20.py python D:\pymine\clean\spider_map\get_bd_uid.py python D:\pymine\clean\spider_map\get_bd_uid.py python D:\pymine\clean\spider_map\get_bd_uid.py
import xlrd
import time
import sys
import os
import requests
import sqlite3
import threading curPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
rootPath = os.path.split(curPath)[0]
sys.path.append(rootPath) MAX_USED_TIMES, overrun_str, DB_KEY_EXHAUST = 1900, '天配额超限,限制访问', 'DB_KEY_EXHAUST' db = 'py_bdspider_status.db'
db = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, db) pcity_list = []
pcity_file = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, '省会城市.txt')
with open(pcity_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as pf:
c_ = 0
for i in pf:
c_ += 1
if c_ == 3:
c_ = 0
pcity_list.append(i.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') + '市')
pcity_sorted_list = sorted(pcity_list) target_city_list_big = ['广州市', '厦门市', '深圳市', '北京市', '杭州市', '成都市', '上海市', '西安市']
target_city_list_pass = target_city_list_big for i in pcity_list:
if i not in target_city_list_big:
target_city_list_pass.append(i) # def db_init_key_table():
# conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
# c = conn.cursor()
# sql = 'DELETE FROM baidu_map_key_used'
# c.execute(sql)
# conn.commit()
# pcity_file = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, 'bdmap_key.txt')
# with open(pcity_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as pf:
# c_ = 0
# for i in pf:
# if len(i) < 4:
# continue
# author, key = i.replace('\n', '').split('\t')
# localtime_ = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
# sql = 'INSERT INTO baidu_map_key_used (author,key,update_time,today_used) VALUES ("%s","%s","%s",%s) ' % (
# author, key, localtime_, 0)
# c.execute(sql)
# conn.commit()
# conn.close() # db_init_key_table()
# target_city_list = target_city_list[0:11]
# target_city_list = target_city_list[0:11] def db_get_one_effective():
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
c = conn.cursor()
sql = 'SELECT key FROM baidu_map_key_used WHERE today_used<=%s ORDER BY today_used ASC' % (MAX_USED_TIMES) res = c.execute(sql).fetchone()
if res is None:
return res[0]
conn.close def db_update_one_today_used(key):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
c = conn.cursor()
localtime_ = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
sql = 'UPDATE baidu_map_key_used SET today_used = today_used+1 ,update_time=%s WHERE key="%s" ' % (
localtime_, key)
conn.close() dir_, dir_exception = 'baidu_map_uid', 'baidu_map_uid_exception'
requested_file_list = []
requested_file_dir_str, requested_file_dir_exception_str = '%s\\%s\\' % (curPath, dir_), '%s\\%s\\' % (
curPath, dir_exception)
requested_file_dir = os.listdir(requested_file_dir_str) def chk_if_requested_file():
for f in requested_file_dir:
to_in = f.split('.txt')[0]
if to_in not in requested_file_list:
requested_file_list.append(to_in) chk_if_requested_file() def write_requested_res(request_name, str_, type_='.txt'):
fname = '%s%s%s' % (requested_file_dir_str, request_name, type_)
# 上海市虹口区岳阳医院?.txt
fname = fname.replace('?', '')
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ft:
print('ok', threading.get_ident(), request_name) def write_requested_exception_res(request_name, str_, type_='.txt'):
fname = '%s%s%s' % (requested_file_dir_exception_str, request_name, type_)
# 上海市虹口区岳阳医院?.txt
fname = fname.replace('?', '')
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ft:
ft.write(str_) request_dic = {} target_city_list = [] def gen_request_dic_list():
fname_source = '官方上传任务.csv_py170829093808-BD_request_name-REDUCTION170829142821'
fname_open = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, fname_source)
FEXCEL = '%s%s' % (fname_open, '.xlsx')
data = xlrd.open_workbook(FEXCEL)
table = data.sheets()[0]
nrows, ncols = table.nrows, table.ncols
for i in range(1, nrows):
l = table.row_values(i)
dbid, area_code, name_, request_name, type_, city, district, addr, street = l
# if city not in target_city_list:
# continue
if city in target_city_list_pass:
if city not in target_city_list:
request_name_chk = '%s%s%s' % (city, district, request_name)
if request_name_chk in requested_file_list:
if city not in request_dic:
request_dic[city] = {}
if district not in request_dic[city]:
request_dic[city][district] = {}
request_dic[city][district] = []
if request_name not in request_dic[city][district]:
request_dic[city][district].append(request_name) gen_request_dic_list() fname_source = '官方上传任务.csv_py170829093808-BD_request_name-REDUCTION170829142821' # http://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/suggestion?query=瀛嘉天下®ion=重庆市&city_limit=true&output=json&ak=oy2Q7IluhhwTGlz6l8pXYv6a0m6hXxr1
base_url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/suggestion?query=R-QUERY®ion=R-CITY&city_limit=true&output=json&ak=R-AK' def fun_(city):
for district in request_dic[city]:
for request_name in request_dic[city][district]:
request_name_chk = '%s%s%s' % (city, district, request_name)
if request_name_chk in requested_file_list:
ak = db_get_one_effective()
if ak == DB_KEY_EXHAUST:
url_ = base_url.replace('R-QUERY', request_name).replace('R-CITY', city).replace('R-AK', ak)
bd_res_json_str = requests.get(url_).text
write_requested_res(request_name_chk, bd_res_json_str)
except Exception:
bd_res_json_str = '请求百度-异常'
write_requested_exception_res(request_name_chk, bd_res_json_str)
print(bd_res_json_str) class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, func, args):
self.func, self.args = func, args def run(self):
self.func(self.args) thread_sum = len(target_city_list) def main():
threads_list = []
for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1):
city = target_city_list[nloop]
thread_instance = MyThread(fun_, (city))
for t in threads_list:
t.setDaemon = False
for t in threads_list:
t.join() if __name__ == '__main__':
import xlrd
import time
import sys
import os
import requests
import sqlite3
import threading curPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
rootPath = os.path.split(curPath)[0]
sys.path.append(rootPath) MAX_USED_TIMES, overrun_str, DB_KEY_EXHAUST = 1900, '天配额超限,限制访问', 'DB_KEY_EXHAUST' db = 'py_bdspider_status.db'
db = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, db) pcity_list = []
pcity_file = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, '省会城市.txt')
with open(pcity_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as pf:
c_ = 0
for i in pf:
c_ += 1
if c_ == 3:
c_ = 0
pcity_list.append(i.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') + '市')
pcity_sorted_list = sorted(pcity_list) target_city_list_big = ['广州市', '厦门市', '深圳市', '北京市', '杭州市', '成都市', '上海市', '西安市']
target_city_list = [] for i in pcity_list:
if i not in target_city_list_big:
target_city_list.append(i) # def db_init_key_table():
# conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
# c = conn.cursor()
# sql = 'DELETE FROM baidu_map_key_used'
# c.execute(sql)
# conn.commit()
# pcity_file = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, 'bdmap_key.txt')
# with open(pcity_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as pf:
# c_ = 0
# for i in pf:
# if len(i) < 4:
# continue
# author, key = i.replace('\n', '').split('\t')
# localtime_ = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
# sql = 'INSERT INTO baidu_map_key_used (author,key,update_time,today_used) VALUES ("%s","%s","%s",%s) ' % (
# author, key, localtime_, 0)
# c.execute(sql)
# conn.commit()
# conn.close() # db_init_key_table()
target_city_list = target_city_list[11:] def db_get_one_effective():
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
c = conn.cursor()
sql = 'SELECT key FROM baidu_map_key_used WHERE today_used<=%s ' % (MAX_USED_TIMES)
res = c.execute(sql).fetchone()
if res is None:
return res[0]
conn.close def db_update_one_today_used(key):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
c = conn.cursor()
localtime_ = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
sql = 'UPDATE baidu_map_key_used SET today_used = today_used+1 ,update_time=%s WHERE key="%s" ' % (
localtime_, key)
conn.close() dir_, dir_exception = 'baidu_map_uid', 'baidu_map_uid_exception'
requested_file_list = []
requested_file_dir_str, requested_file_dir_exception_str = '%s\\%s\\' % (curPath, dir_), '%s\\%s\\' % (
curPath, dir_exception)
requested_file_dir = os.listdir(requested_file_dir_str) def chk_if_requested_file():
for f in requested_file_dir:
to_in = f.split('.txt')[0]
if to_in not in requested_file_list:
requested_file_list.append(to_in) chk_if_requested_file() def write_requested_res(request_name, str_, type_='.txt'):
fname = '%s%s%s' % (requested_file_dir_str, request_name, type_)
# 上海市虹口区岳阳医院?.txt
fname = fname.replace('?', '')
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ft:
print('ok', threading.get_ident(), request_name) def write_requested_exception_res(request_name, str_, type_='.txt'):
fname = '%s%s%s' % (requested_file_dir_exception_str, request_name, type_)
# 上海市虹口区岳阳医院?.txt
fname = fname.replace('?', '')
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ft:
ft.write(str_) request_dic = {} def gen_request_dic_list():
fname_source = '官方上传任务.csv_py170829093808-BD_request_name-REDUCTION170829142821'
fname_open = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, fname_source)
FEXCEL = '%s%s' % (fname_open, '.xlsx')
data = xlrd.open_workbook(FEXCEL)
table = data.sheets()[0]
nrows, ncols = table.nrows, table.ncols
for i in range(1, nrows):
l = table.row_values(i)
dbid, area_code, name_, request_name, type_, city, district, addr, street = l
if city not in target_city_list:
request_name_chk = '%s%s%s' % (city, district, request_name)
if request_name_chk in requested_file_list:
if city not in request_dic:
request_dic[city] = {}
if district not in request_dic[city]:
request_dic[city][district] = {}
request_dic[city][district] = []
if request_name not in request_dic[city][district]:
request_dic[city][district].append(request_name) gen_request_dic_list() fname_source = '官方上传任务.csv_py170829093808-BD_request_name-REDUCTION170829142821' # http://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/suggestion?query=瀛嘉天下®ion=重庆市&city_limit=true&output=json&ak=oy2Q7IluhhwTGlz6l8pXYv6a0m6hXxr1
base_url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/suggestion?query=R-QUERY®ion=R-CITY&city_limit=true&output=json&ak=R-AK' def fun_(city):
for district in request_dic[city]:
for request_name in request_dic[city][district]:
request_name_chk = '%s%s%s' % (city, district, request_name)
if request_name_chk in requested_file_list:
ak = db_get_one_effective()
if ak == DB_KEY_EXHAUST:
url_ = base_url.replace('R-QUERY', request_name).replace('R-CITY', city).replace('R-AK', ak)
bd_res_json_str = requests.get(url_).text
write_requested_res(request_name_chk, bd_res_json_str)
except Exception:
bd_res_json_str = '请求百度-异常'
write_requested_exception_res(request_name_chk, bd_res_json_str)
print(bd_res_json_str) class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, func, args):
self.func, self.args = func, args def run(self):
self.func(self.args) thread_sum = len(target_city_list) def main():
threads_list = []
for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1):
city = target_city_list[nloop]
if city not in request_dic:
thread_instance = MyThread(fun_, (city))
for t in threads_list:
t.setDaemon = False
for t in threads_list:
t.join() if __name__ == '__main__':
import xlrd
import time
import sys
import os
import requests
import sqlite3
import threading curPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
rootPath = os.path.split(curPath)[0]
sys.path.append(rootPath) MAX_USED_TIMES, overrun_str, DB_KEY_EXHAUST = 1900, '天配额超限,限制访问', 'DB_KEY_EXHAUST' db = 'py_bdspider_status.db'
db = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, db) pcity_list = []
pcity_file = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, '省会城市.txt')
with open(pcity_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as pf:
c_ = 0
for i in pf:
c_ += 1
if c_ == 3:
c_ = 0
pcity_list.append(i.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') + '市')
pcity_sorted_list = sorted(pcity_list) target_city_list_big = ['广州市', '厦门市', '深圳市', '北京市', '杭州市', '成都市', '上海市', '西安市']
target_city_list = [] for i in pcity_list:
if i not in target_city_list_big:
target_city_list.append(i) # def db_init_key_table():
# conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
# c = conn.cursor()
# sql = 'DELETE FROM baidu_map_key_used'
# c.execute(sql)
# conn.commit()
# pcity_file = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, 'bdmap_key.txt')
# with open(pcity_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as pf:
# c_ = 0
# for i in pf:
# if len(i) < 4:
# continue
# author, key = i.replace('\n', '').split('\t')
# localtime_ = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
# sql = 'INSERT INTO baidu_map_key_used (author,key,update_time,today_used) VALUES ("%s","%s","%s",%s) ' % (
# author, key, localtime_, 0)
# c.execute(sql)
# conn.commit()
# conn.close() # db_init_key_table()
# target_city_list = target_city_list[0:11]
# target_city_list = target_city_list[0:11]
target_city_list =target_city_list[11:] def db_get_one_effective():
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
c = conn.cursor()
sql = 'SELECT key FROM baidu_map_key_used WHERE today_used<=%s ORDER BY today_used ASC' % (MAX_USED_TIMES) res = c.execute(sql).fetchone()
if res is None:
return res[0]
conn.close def db_update_one_today_used(key):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
c = conn.cursor()
localtime_ = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
sql = 'UPDATE baidu_map_key_used SET today_used = today_used+1 ,update_time=%s WHERE key="%s" ' % (
localtime_, key)
conn.close() dir_, dir_exception = 'baidu_map_uid', 'baidu_map_uid_exception'
requested_file_list = []
requested_file_dir_str, requested_file_dir_exception_str = '%s\\%s\\' % (curPath, dir_), '%s\\%s\\' % (
curPath, dir_exception)
requested_file_dir = os.listdir(requested_file_dir_str) def chk_if_requested_file():
for f in requested_file_dir:
to_in = f.split('.txt')[0]
if to_in not in requested_file_list:
requested_file_list.append(to_in) chk_if_requested_file() def write_requested_res(request_name, str_, type_='.txt'):
fname = '%s%s%s' % (requested_file_dir_str, request_name, type_)
# 上海市虹口区岳阳医院?.txt
fname = fname.replace('?', '')
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ft:
print('ok', threading.get_ident(), request_name) def write_requested_exception_res(request_name, str_, type_='.txt'):
fname = '%s%s%s' % (requested_file_dir_exception_str, request_name, type_)
# 上海市虹口区岳阳医院?.txt
fname = fname.replace('?', '')
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ft:
ft.write(str_) request_dic = {} def gen_request_dic_list():
fname_source = '官方上传任务.csv_py170829093808-BD_request_name-REDUCTION170829142821'
fname_open = '%s\\%s' % (curPath, fname_source)
FEXCEL = '%s%s' % (fname_open, '.xlsx')
data = xlrd.open_workbook(FEXCEL)
table = data.sheets()[0]
nrows, ncols = table.nrows, table.ncols
for i in range(1, nrows):
l = table.row_values(i)
dbid, area_code, name_, request_name, type_, city, district, addr, street = l
if city not in target_city_list:
request_name_chk = '%s%s%s' % (city, district, request_name)
if request_name_chk in requested_file_list:
if city not in request_dic:
request_dic[city] = {}
if district not in request_dic[city]:
request_dic[city][district] = {}
request_dic[city][district] = []
if request_name not in request_dic[city][district]:
request_dic[city][district].append(request_name) gen_request_dic_list() fname_source = '官方上传任务.csv_py170829093808-BD_request_name-REDUCTION170829142821' # http://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/suggestion?query=瀛嘉天下®ion=重庆市&city_limit=true&output=json&ak=oy2Q7IluhhwTGlz6l8pXYv6a0m6hXxr1
base_url = 'http://api.map.baidu.com/place/v2/suggestion?query=R-QUERY®ion=R-CITY&city_limit=true&output=json&ak=R-AK' def fun_(city):
for district in request_dic[city]:
for request_name in request_dic[city][district]:
request_name_chk = '%s%s%s' % (city, district, request_name)
if request_name_chk in requested_file_list:
ak = db_get_one_effective()
if ak == DB_KEY_EXHAUST:
url_ = base_url.replace('R-QUERY', request_name).replace('R-CITY', city).replace('R-AK', ak)
bd_res_json_str = requests.get(url_).text
write_requested_res(request_name_chk, bd_res_json_str)
except Exception:
bd_res_json_str = '请求百度-异常'
write_requested_exception_res(request_name_chk, bd_res_json_str)
print(bd_res_json_str) class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, func, args):
self.func, self.args = func, args def run(self):
self.func(self.args) thread_sum = len(target_city_list) def main():
threads_list = []
for nloop in range(0, thread_sum, 1):
city = target_city_list[nloop]
thread_instance = MyThread(fun_, (city))
for t in threads_list:
t.setDaemon = False
for t in threads_list:
t.join() if __name__ == '__main__':
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- 浅析VS2010反汇编 VS 反汇编方法及常用汇编指令介绍 VS2015使用技巧 调试-反汇编 查看C语言代码对应的汇编代码
浅析VS2010反汇编 2015年07月25日 21:53:11 阅读数:4374 第一篇 1. 如何进行反汇编 在调试的环境下,我们可以很方便地通过反汇编窗口查看程序生成的反汇编信息.如下图所示. ...
- 微软“小冰”识狗与人工神经网络(I)
2014年8月21日,微软"小冰"网络机器人推出了一项图像识别技能:"小冰识狗". "小冰"怎么会"识狗"呢? 依据微软 ...
- 模拟和数字低通滤波器的MATLAB实现
低通滤波器参数:Fs=8000,fp=2500,fs=3500,Rp=1dB,As=30dB,其他滤波器可以通过与低通之间的映射关系实现. %%模拟滤波器 %巴特沃斯——滤波器设计 wp=2*pi*2 ...
- iOS tableView Section圆角方案
给tableView的section设置圆角 首先给让cell左右偏移一点的距离,通过重写cell的setframe方法来实现 -(void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame{ CGFlo ...
- which 命令
我们经常在linux要查找某个文件,但不知道放在哪里了,可以使用下面的一些命令来搜索: which 查看可执行文件的位置. whereis 查看文件的位置. ...
- Linux的驱动模块管理:modprobe
由一段脚本開始: MODULE_PATH=/lib/modules/`uname -r` if [ ! -f ${MODULE_PATH}/modules.dep.bb ]; then # depmo ...
- C指针解析 ------ 指针的算术运算
本文是自己学习所做笔记.欢迎转载.但请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/jesson20121020 指针是一个特殊的变量,表示一个地址,而地址能够上减去或加上一个整数,从而能够表示 ...