原文: A pleasant climate.

A:Where do you come frome?

B:I come from Greece.

A:What's the climate like in your country?

B:It's very pleasant.

A:What's the weather like in spring?

B:It's often windy in March.  It' always warm in April and May,but it rains sometimes.

A:What's it like in summer?

B:It's aways hot in June,July and August. The sun shines every day.

A:Is it cold or warm in Autumn?

B:It's always warm in September and October. It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes.

A:Is it very cold in winter?

B:It's often cold in December,January and February.It snows sometimes.



Greece:希腊。ancient Greece 古希腊。





January -1  February-2  March-3  April-4  May-5  June-6 July7  August-8  September-9  October-10  November-11 December-12

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