[Solution] 893. Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings
- Difficulty: Easy
You are given an array A
of strings.
Two strings S
and T
are special-equivalent if after any number of moves, S == T.
A move consists of choosing two indices i
and j
with i % 2 == j % 2
, and swapping S[i]
with S[j]
Now, a group of special-equivalent strings from A
is a non-empty subset S of A
such that any string not in S is not special-equivalent with any string in S.
Return the number of groups of special-equivalent strings from A
Example 1:
Input: ["a", "b", "c", "a", "c", "c"]
Output: 3
Explanation: 3 groups ["a", "a"], ["b"], ["c", "c", "c"]
Example 2:
Input: ["aa", "bb", "ab", "ba"]
Output: 4
Explanation: 4 groups ["aa"], ["bb"], ["ab"], ["ba"]
Example 3:
Input: ["abc", "acb", "bac", "bca", "cab", "cba"]
Output: 3
Explanation: 3 groups ["abc", "cba"], ["abc", "bca"], ["bac", "cab"]
Example 4:
Input: ["abcd", "cdab", "adcb", "cbad"]
Output: 1
Explanation: 3 groups ["abcd", "cdab", "adcb", "cbad"]
1 <= A.length <= 1000
1 <= A[i].length <= 20
- All
have the same length. - All
consist of only lowercase letters.
Related Topics
统计每个字符串奇数位和偶数位上的字频,当两个字符串以此法统计的字频分布相同时,称这两个字符串为 special-equivalent。我的代码写得似乎麻烦了点,以后补充更简便的写法。
class CharCounter
private SortedDictionary<char, int> counter;
public CharCounter(string str)
counter = new SortedDictionary<char, int>();
bool isOdd = false;
foreach(char c in str)
if (counter.ContainsKey(char.ToUpper(c)))
counter.Add(char.ToUpper(c), 1);
if (counter.ContainsKey(c))
counter.Add(c, 1);
isOdd = !isOdd;
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("{");
foreach(var pair in counter)
builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1);
return builder.ToString();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return ToString() == obj.ToString();
public override int GetHashCode()
return ToString().GetHashCode();
public class Solution
public int NumSpecialEquivGroups(string[] A)
return (from str in A select new CharCounter(str)).ToHashSet().Count;
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