But the AE language model also has its disadvantages. It uses the [MASK] in the pretraining, but this kind of artificial symbols are absent from the real data at finetuning time, resulting in a pretrain-finetune discrepancy.Another disadvantage of [MASK] is that it assumes the predicted (masked) tokens are independent of each other given the unmasked tokens. For example, we have a sentence "It shows that the housing crisis was turned into a banking crisis". We mask "banking" and "crisis". Attention here, we know the masked "banking" and "crisis" contains implicit relation to each other. But AE model is trying to predict "banking" given unmasked tokens, and predict "crisis" given unmasked tokens separately. It ignores the relation between "banking" and "crisis". In other words, it assumes the predicted (masked) tokens are independent of each other. But we know the model should learn such correlation among the predicted (masked) tokens to predict one of the tokens.




A traditional language model would predict the tokens in the order

"I", "like", "cats", "more", "than", "dogs"

where each token uses all previous tokens as context.

In permutation language modeling, the order of prediction is not necessarily left to right and is sampled randomly instead. For instance, it could be

"cats", "than", "I", "more", "dogs", "like"

where "than" would be conditioned on seeing "cats", "I" would be conditioned on seeing "catsthan" and so on. The following animation demonstrates this.














  1. 更长时间的训练时间,更大的batch,更多的数据;
  2. 删除下一句预测(NSP)目标;
  3. 在较长序列上进行训练;
  4. 动态改变用于训练数据的mask模式。(The original BERT implementation performed masking once during data preprocessing, resulting in a single static mask. To avoid using the same mask for each training instance in every epoch, training data was duplicated 10 times so that each sequence is masked in 10 different ways over the 40 epochs of training. Thus, each training sequence was seen with the same mask four times during training.)








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