LeetCode 825. Friends Of Appropriate Ages
Some people will make friend requests. The list of their ages is given and ages[i]
is the age of the ith person.
Person A will NOT friend request person B (B != A) if any of the following conditions are true:
age[B] <= 0.5 * age[A] + 7
age[B] > age[A]
age[B] > 100 && age[A] < 100
Otherwise, A will friend request B.
Note that if A requests B, B does not necessarily request A. Also, people will not friend request themselves.
How many total friend requests are made?
Example 1:
- Input: [16,16]
- Output: 2
- Explanation: 2 people friend request each other.
Example 2:
- Input: [16,17,18]
- Output: 2
- Explanation: Friend requests are made 17 -> 16, 18 -> 17.
Example 3:
- Input: [20,30,100,110,120]
- Output:
- Explanation: Friend requests are made 110 -> 100, 120 -> 110, 120 -> 100.
1 <= ages.length <= 20000
.1 <= ages[i] <= 120
Accumlate the frequency of different ages.
If age a and age b could send request, and a != b, then res += a freq * b freq.
If a == b, since no one could send friend request to themselves, the request is a freq * (a freq - 1). Send friend request to other people with same age.
Time Complexity: O(n^2). n = ages.length.
Space: O(n).
AC Java:
- class Solution {
- public int numFriendRequests(int[] ages) {
- if(ages == null || ages.length == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- HashMap<Integer, Integer> hm = new HashMap<>();
- for(int age : ages){
- hm.put(age, hm.getOrDefault(age, 0) + 1);
- }
- int res = 0;
- for(int a : hm.keySet()){
- for(int b : hm.keySet()){
- if(couldSendRequest(a, b)){
- res += hm.get(a) * (hm.get(b) - (a == b ? 1 : 0));
- }
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- private boolean couldSendRequest(int a, int b){
- return !(b <= a*0.5 + 7 || b > a || (b > 100 && a < 100));
- }
- }
With 3 conditions, we only care the count of B in range (a/2+7, a].
Get the sum count of b and * a count - a count since people can't sent friend request to themselves.
Since A > B >= 0.5*A+7, A > 0.5*A+7. Then A>14. Thus i is started from 15.
Time Complexity: O(n).
Space: O(1).
AC Java:
- class Solution {
- public int numFriendRequests(int[] ages) {
- if(ages == null || ages.length == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- int [] count = new int[121];
- for(int age : ages){
- count[age]++;
- }
- int [] sum = new int[121];
- for(int i = 1; i<121; i++){
- sum[i] = sum[i-1] + count[i];
- }
- int res = 0;
- for(int i = 15; i<121; i++){
- if(count[i] == 0){
- continue;
- }
- int bCount = sum[i] - sum[i/2+7];
- res += bCount * count[i] - count[i];
- }
- return res;
- }
- }
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