
9:52:41  [Apache]
Attempting to start Apache app...

9:52:41  [Apache]
Status change detected: running
9:52:42  [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
9:52:42  [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
9:52:42  [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 
9:52:42  [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
9:52:42  [Apache] Check the "/xampp/apache/logs/error.log" file

9:52:42  [Apache]
and the Windows Event Viewer for more clues

cmd 通过运行apache/bin/httpd.exe 打印如下log:




把Listen 443 修改为 444(可自定义)



把Listen 80 修改为 88 (可自定义)

如果配置了vhosts的话请把httpd-vhosts.conf 中端口改为88(同上端口号)

二、 通过cmd中netstat -ano 看看本机80、 443端口被占用没               ----- --这里 可能会被其他程序占用如iis、虚拟机等
3.taskkill /pid 端口号 杀掉此进程名称,XAMPP重启apache即可。


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