[Ionic] Align and Size Text with Ionic CSS Utilities
The Ionic framework provides several built-in CSS Utilities or directives that you can leverage when styling your application. Instead of writing your own CSS for each component's text alignment we can use the prebuilt ones.
- <ion-content>
- <h1 text-sm-center text-uppercase>Apollo 14</h1>
- <h4 text-right text-capitalize>Kitty Hawk (CSM) | Antares (LM)</h4>
- <p text-justify>Apollo 14 was the eighth manned mission in the United States Apollo program, and the third to land on the Moon. Commander
- Alan Shepard, Command Module Pilot Stuart Roosa, and Lunar Module Pilot Edgar Mitchell launched on their nine-day mission
- on January 31, 1971.</p>
- <cite>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_14</cite>
- </ion-content>
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