/** check RD costs for a CU block encoded with merge
* \param rpcBestCU
* \param rpcTempCU
* \returns Void
Void TEncCu::xCheckRDCostMerge2Nx2N( TComDataCU*& rpcBestCU, TComDataCU*& rpcTempCU DEBUG_STRING_FN_DECLARE(sDebug), Bool *earlyDetectionSkipMode )
assert( rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() != I_SLICE ); // 确定该片是P Slice或者B Slice
TComMvField cMvFieldNeighbours[ * MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS]; // double length for mv of both lists
UChar uhInterDirNeighbours[MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS];
Int numValidMergeCand = ;
const Bool bTransquantBypassFlag = rpcTempCU->getCUTransquantBypass(); for( UInt ui = ; ui < rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand(); ++ui )
uhInterDirNeighbours[ui] = ;
UChar uhDepth = rpcTempCU->getDepth( ); // 获取当前深度
// 给PU中相应的partition写入分割模式
rpcTempCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_2Nx2N, , uhDepth ); // interprets depth relative to LCU level
// 取出Merge候选列表
rpcTempCU->getInterMergeCandidates( , , cMvFieldNeighbours,uhInterDirNeighbours, numValidMergeCand );
// 构造候选列表
Int mergeCandBuffer[MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS];
for( UInt ui = ; ui < numValidMergeCand; ++ui )
mergeCandBuffer[ui] = ;
} Bool bestIsSkip = false; UInt iteration;
// 默认为false,iteration = 2
if ( rpcTempCU->isLosslessCoded())
iteration = ;
iteration = ;
// 遍历两次:第一次无残差编码,第二次对残差编码
for( UInt uiNoResidual = ; uiNoResidual < iteration; ++uiNoResidual )
// 遍历所有Merge候选成员
for( UInt uiMergeCand = ; uiMergeCand < numValidMergeCand; ++uiMergeCand )
if(!(uiNoResidual== && mergeCandBuffer[uiMergeCand]==))
if( !(bestIsSkip && uiNoResidual == ) )
// set MC parameters 设置运动补偿参数
rpcTempCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTER, , uhDepth ); // interprets depth relative to LCU level
rpcTempCU->setCUTransquantBypassSubParts( bTransquantBypassFlag, , uhDepth );
rpcTempCU->setChromaQpAdjSubParts( bTransquantBypassFlag ? : m_ChromaQpAdjIdc, , uhDepth );
rpcTempCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_2Nx2N, , uhDepth ); // interprets depth relative to LCU level
rpcTempCU->setMergeFlagSubParts( true, , , uhDepth ); // interprets depth relative to LCU level
rpcTempCU->setMergeIndexSubParts( uiMergeCand, , , uhDepth ); // interprets depth relative to LCU level
rpcTempCU->setInterDirSubParts( uhInterDirNeighbours[uiMergeCand], , , uhDepth ); // interprets depth relative to LCU level
rpcTempCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->setAllMvField( cMvFieldNeighbours[ + *uiMergeCand], SIZE_2Nx2N, , ); // interprets depth relative to rpcTempCU level
rpcTempCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 )->setAllMvField( cMvFieldNeighbours[ + *uiMergeCand], SIZE_2Nx2N, , ); // interprets depth relative to rpcTempCU level // do MC 进行运动补偿
m_pcPredSearch->motionCompensation ( rpcTempCU, m_ppcPredYuvTemp[uhDepth] );
// estimate residual and encode everything 计算残差和RDCost,并进行编码
m_pcPredSearch->encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU( rpcTempCU,
m_ppcOrigYuv [uhDepth],
(uiNoResidual != ) DEBUG_STRING_PASS_INTO(tmpStr) ); #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
DebugInterPredResiReco(tmpStr, *(m_ppcPredYuvTemp[uhDepth]), *(m_ppcResiYuvBest[uhDepth]), *(m_ppcRecoYuvTemp[uhDepth]), DebugStringGetPredModeMask(rpcTempCU->getPredictionMode()));
// 第一次迭代时进行
if ((uiNoResidual == ) && (rpcTempCU->getQtRootCbf() == ))
// If no residual when allowing for one, then set mark to not try case where residual is forced to 0
mergeCandBuffer[uiMergeCand] = ;
} rpcTempCU->setSkipFlagSubParts( rpcTempCU->getQtRootCbf() == , , uhDepth );
Int orgQP = rpcTempCU->getQP( );
xCheckDQP( rpcTempCU );
// 更新最优模式
xCheckBestMode(rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, uhDepth DEBUG_STRING_PASS_INTO(bestStr) DEBUG_STRING_PASS_INTO(tmpStr));
// 重新初始化预测参数,为下一次预测做准备
rpcTempCU->initEstData( uhDepth, orgQP, bTransquantBypassFlag ); if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastDecisionForMerge() && !bestIsSkip )
bestIsSkip = rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf() == ;
// 如果开启earlyDetectionSkip时,第一次迭代执行
if(uiNoResidual == && m_pcEncCfg->getUseEarlySkipDetection())
if(rpcBestCU->getQtRootCbf( ) == )
if( rpcBestCU->getMergeFlag( ))
*earlyDetectionSkipMode = true;
else if(m_pcEncCfg->getFastSearch() != SELECTIVE)
Int absoulte_MV=;
for ( UInt uiRefListIdx = ; uiRefListIdx < ; uiRefListIdx++ )
if ( rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( RefPicList( uiRefListIdx ) ) > )
TComCUMvField* pcCUMvField = rpcBestCU->getCUMvField(RefPicList( uiRefListIdx ));
Int iHor = pcCUMvField->getMvd( ).getAbsHor();
Int iVer = pcCUMvField->getMvd( ).getAbsVer();
} if(absoulte_MV == )
*earlyDetectionSkipMode = true;
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