Swift Expressible Literal



struct Book {
let name: String
} let book: Book = "Charlotte's Web"




以下是 Swift 中的一些字面量:

种类 示例
字符串 "ich", Bingo!
浮点型数字 1001.3, 33.0
整型数字 1001, 33
布尔值 true, false
数组 ["Emily", "Ben", "Eric"]
字典 ["name": "Ben"]

Expressible Literal 协议

Swift 中,String, Float, Double, IntBool 等类型,和上面的 Book 一样,都是 struct 。那么它们是怎么实现将字面量直接创建实例的呢?以下是 Bool 类型的一个拓展:

extension Bool : ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral {

    /// Creates an instance initialized to the specified Boolean literal.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler when
/// you use a Boolean literal. Instead, create a new `Bool` instance by
/// using one of the Boolean literals `true` or `false`.
/// var printedMessage = false
/// if !printedMessage {
/// print("You look nice today!")
/// printedMessage = true
/// }
/// // Prints "You look nice today!"
/// In this example, both assignments to the `printedMessage` variable call
/// this Boolean literal initializer behind the scenes.
/// - Parameter value: The value of the new instance.
public init(booleanLiteral value: Bool) /// A type that represents a Boolean literal, such as `Bool`.
public typealias BooleanLiteralType = Bool

再看看 Float 的一个拓展:

extension Float : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {

    /// Creates an instance initialized to the specified integer value.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. Instead, initialize a variable or
/// constant using an integer literal. For example:
/// let x = 23
/// In this example, the assignment to the `x` constant calls this integer
/// literal initializer behind the scenes.
/// - Parameter value: The value to create.
public init(integerLiteral value: Int64) /// A type that represents an integer literal.
/// The standard library integer and floating-point types are all valid types
/// for `IntegerLiteralType`.
public typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int64

除了 ExpressibleByBooleanLiteralExpressibleByBooleanLiteral 类似的协议还有 ExpressibleByStringLiteral, ExpressibleByNilLiteral, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral 等等。


注意上面两个大代码块里面的注释,都有一句 Do not call this initializer directly

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