


  1. 输入进程个数
  2. 输入各个进程的到达事件
  3. 输入各个进程的要求服务事件
  4. 选择一种调度算法
  5. 程序给出调度结果:各进程的完成时间、周转时间、带权周转时间。


  • FCFS

  • SJF


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #define MAX_DURANCE 1e6 /*
author: Qin Guoqing; date:2020年11月17日 17点37分; description: 模拟实现短作业优先和先来先服务两种调度算法。 */ int count_process; //进程数
int *coming_times; //达到时间
int *serve_times; //服务时间
int *finished_times; //完成时间
int *turnover_times; //周转时间
int *waiting_times; //等待时间
float *turnover_times_weight; //带权周转时间
int method_choosen; //所选调度算法 void input_process_count(); //输入进程个数
void input_coming_time(); //输入进程到达时间
void input_serve_time(); //输入进程服务时间
void print_inputInfo(); //打印输入信息
void choose_method(); //选择调度算法
void inatialize(); //数据初始化
void SJF(); //短作业优先
void FCFS(); //先来先服务
void print_schedulInfo(); //打印调度信息
int main()
switch (method_choosen)
case 1:
break; default:
return 0;
} void input_process_count()
puts("please input the amount of process:");
scanf("%d", &count_process);
} void input_coming_time()
coming_times = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * count_process);
puts("please input the coming_time of the processes:");
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
scanf("%d", &coming_times[i]);
} void input_serve_time()
serve_times = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * count_process);
puts("please input the serve_time of the processes:");
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
scanf("%d", &serve_times[i]);
void print_inputInfo()
printf("the amount of processes inputed by the user:n = %d\n", count_process);
puts("here are the coming_times of those processes:");
for (int i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
printf("%d ", coming_times[i]);
puts("here are the serve_time of those processes:");
for (int i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
printf("%d ", serve_times[i]);
} void choose_method()
puts("please choose a schedul method: 1-FCFS,2-SJF:");
scanf("%d", &method_choosen);
} void FCFS()
int current = 0;
int co_coming_times[count_process];
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
co_coming_times[i] = coming_times[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < count_process; j++)
int earliest = 0, min = co_coming_times[0];
int i;
for (i = 1; i < count_process; i++)
if (co_coming_times[i] < min)
min = co_coming_times[i];
earliest = i;
co_coming_times[earliest] = MAX_DURANCE;
if (coming_times[earliest] > current)
current = coming_times[earliest];
finished_times[earliest] = current + serve_times[earliest];
waiting_times[earliest] = current - coming_times[earliest];
current += serve_times[earliest];
turnover_times[earliest] = serve_times[earliest] + waiting_times[earliest];
turnover_times_weight[earliest] = (float)turnover_times[earliest] / (float)serve_times[earliest];
} void SJF()
int current = 0;
int co_serve_times[count_process], co_coming_times[count_process];
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
co_serve_times[i] = serve_times[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
co_coming_times[i] = coming_times[i];
int flag = 0; //标识当前时间下有无已经到达的进程
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
int min_p = 0, min = co_serve_times[0], early = co_coming_times[0];
//min_p: 当前调度进程的xiabiao
//min: 当前调度进程的服务时间
for (size_t j = 1; j < count_process; j++)
if (co_coming_times[j] <= current && co_serve_times[j] < min)
flag = 1;
min = co_serve_times[j];
min_p = j;
if (flag == 0)
for (size_t m = 1; m < count_process; m++)
if (co_coming_times[m] < early)
early = co_coming_times[m];
min_p = m;
current = early;
co_coming_times[min_p] = MAX_DURANCE;
co_serve_times[min_p] = MAX_DURANCE;
finished_times[min_p] = current + serve_times[min_p];
waiting_times[min_p] = current - coming_times[min_p];
current = finished_times[min_p]; turnover_times[min_p] = waiting_times[min_p] + serve_times[min_p];
turnover_times_weight[min_p] = (float)turnover_times[min_p] / (float)serve_times[min_p];
} void print_schedulInfo()
puts("here is the information of the schedul:");
puts("P_name(ID) arrived_time served_time finished_time turnover_time turnover_time_weight");
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
printf("%10d %12d %11d %14d %13d %20f\n", i, coming_times[i], serve_times[i], finished_times[i], turnover_times[i], turnover_times_weight[i]);
float average_turnover_time, sum_turnover_time = 0; //平均周转时间和总周转时间
float average_turnover_time_weight, sum_turnover_time_weight = 0; //平均带权周转时间和总带权周转时间
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_process; i++)
sum_turnover_time += turnover_times[i];
sum_turnover_time_weight += turnover_times_weight[i];
average_turnover_time = sum_turnover_time / count_process;
average_turnover_time_weight = sum_turnover_time_weight / count_process;
printf("the average time of turnover time is: %.2f\n", average_turnover_time);
printf("the average time of turnover time with weight is: %.2f\n", average_turnover_time_weight);
} void inatialize()
finished_times = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * count_process);
turnover_times = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * count_process);
turnover_times_weight = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * count_process);
waiting_times = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * count_process);


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