using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; namespace CQRS
public class EventBroker
public List<Event> AllEvents = new List<Event>();
public EventHandler<Command> Commands;
public EventHandler<Query> Queries; public void Command(Command cmd)
Commands.Invoke(this, cmd);
} public T Query<T>(Query q)
Queries.Invoke(this, q);
return (T)q.Result;
} public class Event
} public class Command : EventArgs
} public class Query
public object Result;
} public class Person
private int age;
EventBroker eventBroker;
public Person(EventBroker eventBroker)
var self = this;
this.eventBroker = eventBroker;
this.eventBroker.Commands += (object sender, Command cmd) =>
var c = cmd as AgeChangedCommand;
eventBroker.AllEvents.Add(new AgeChangedEvent(self, self.age, c.Age));
self.age = c.Age;
this.eventBroker.Queries += (object sender, Query query) =>
var q = query as AgeQuery;
q.Result = self.age;
} public class AgeChangedEvent : Event
public Person Target;
public int oldValue;
public int newValue; public AgeChangedEvent(Person target, int oldVal, int newVal)
Target = target;
oldValue = oldVal;
newValue = newVal;
} public override string ToString()
return $"Age changed from {oldValue} to {newValue}";
} public class AgeChangedCommand : Command
public Person Target;
public int Age; public AgeChangedCommand(Person p, int age)
Target = p;
Age = age;
} public class AgeQuery : Query
public Person Target;
public AgeQuery(Person p)
Target = p;
} class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EventBroker eb = new EventBroker();
Person p = new Person(eb); //command
eb.Command(new AgeChangedCommand(p, 18));
eb.Command(new AgeChangedCommand(p, 30)); //event list
foreach (var ev in eb.AllEvents)
} //query
var res = eb.Query<int>(new AgeQuery(p)); Console.WriteLine(res); Console.ReadKey();


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