auto skip function args
auto skip function args
"use strict";
* @author xgqfrms
* @license MIT
* @copyright xgqfrms
* @created 2019-09-28
* @modified
* @description auto skip function args that not actually used
* @description Automatically skip parameters that are not actually used by the function
* @description 自动跳过函数实际上没有使用的参数
* @augments
* @example
* @link
let log = console.log;
// this OK
const autoSkipArgs = (fn, skipArgsNumber, args) => {
fn.apply(this, Array(skipArgsNumber).concat([args]));
// function autoSkipArgs(fn, skipArgsNumber, args) {
// fn.apply(this, Array(skipArgsNumber).concat([args]));
// }
export default autoSkipArgs;
export {
// testing
let log = console.log;
const func = (arg1 = ``, arg2 = {}) => {
log(`arg1`, arg1);
log(`arg2`, arg2);
let obj = {
key: 1,
value: "A",
autoSkipArgs(func, 1, obj);
// arg1
// arg2 { key: 1, value: 'A' }
array & empty bug
new Uint8Array(2).map(i => "");
// Uint8Array(2) [0, 0]
new Uint8Array(2);
// Uint8Array(2) [0, 0]
[ Uint8Array(2).map(i => "")]
// (2) [0, 0]
[ Uint8Array(2)].map(i => "");
// (2) ["", ""]
site: js function ignore first arguments
shit antd & table col render
render(text, record, index)
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "antd/dist/antd.css";
import "./index.css";
import { Table, Badge, Menu, Dropdown, Icon } from "antd";
const menu = (
<Menu.Item>Action 1</Menu.Item>
<Menu.Item>Action 2</Menu.Item>
let log = console.log;
function NestedTable() {
const columns = [
{ title: "Name", dataIndex: "name", key: "name" },
{ title: "Platform", dataIndex: "platform", key: "platform" },
{ title: "Version", dataIndex: "version", key: "version" },
{ title: "Upgraded", dataIndex: "upgradeNum", key: "upgradeNum" },
title: "Creator",
dataIndex: "creator",
key: "creator",
// render: (undefined, undefined, index) => {
// render: ("", "", index) => {
// render: ("x", "x", index) => {
render: (a, b, index) => {
log(`index`, index);
return <span>auto sikp args</span>;
title: "Date",
dataIndex: "createdAt",
key: "createdAt",
render: (text, record, index) => {
log(`text`, text, index);
// log(`record`, record);
return <span>{text}</span>;
title: "Action",
key: "operation",
render: (record, index) => {
// log(`record`, record, index);
return <a>Publish</a>;
const data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
key: i,
name: "Screem",
platform: "iOS",
version: "",
upgradeNum: 500,
creator: "Jack",
createdAt: "2014-12-24 23:12:00"
return (
ReactDOM.render(<NestedTable />, document.getElementById("container"));
anonymous function args bug ???
(...[ Uint8Array(2)].map(i => ""), 123) => {
// Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '...'
copy(...[ Uint8Array(2)].map(i => ""));
// undefined
arrow function & arguments bug
function abc(arg1, arg2) {
abc(...[ Uint8Array(2)].map(i => ""), 123);
const f = (arg1, arg2) => {
f(...[ Uint8Array(2)].map(i => ""), 123);
// VM769:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: arguments is not defined
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