
/* 字段 */
Math.E;      //2.71828182845905
Math.PI;      //3.14159265358979 /* 静态方法 */
Math.Abs;    //绝对值
Math.Acos;    //反余弦
Math.Asin;    //反正弦
Math.Atan;    //反正切
Math.Atan2;    //反正切, 两参数
Math.BigMul;    //int32 * int32 = int64
Math.Ceiling;  //取 >= 的最小整数
Math.Cos;    //余弦
Math.Cosh;    //双曲余弦
Math.DivRem;    //取商和余数
Math.Exp;    //求 e 的指定次幂
Math.Floor;    //取 <= 的最大整数
Math.IEEERemainder; //求余
Math.Log;    //自然对数
Math.Log10;    //以 10 为底的对数
Math.Max;    //取大
Math.Min;    //取小
Math.Pow;    //求幂
Math.Round;    //就近舍入, 可指定精度
Math.Sign;    //取符号, 或返回 -1、0、1
Math.Sin;    //正弦
Math.Sinh;    //双曲正弦
Math.Sqrt;    //平方根
Math.Tan;    //正切
Math.Tanh;    //双曲正切
Math.Truncate;  //取整


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  double n1 = Math.Truncate(Math.PI); // 3   double n2 = Math.Floor(2.5);    // 2
  double n3 = Math.Floor(-2.5);  //-3   double n4 = Math.Ceiling(2.5);  // 3
  double n5 = Math.Ceiling(-2.5);  //-2   TextBox1.Text = string.Concat(n1, "\n", n2, "\n", n3, "\n", n4, "\n", n5);
} //就近舍入(取偶)
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  double n1 = Math.Round(0.5); // 0
  double n2 = Math.Round(1.5); // 2
  double n3 = Math.Round(2.5); // 2
  double n4 = Math.Round(3.5); // 4
  double n5 = Math.Round(-0.5); // 0
  double n6 = Math.Round(-1.5); //-2
  double n7 = Math.Round(-2.5); //-2
  double n8 = Math.Round(-3.5); //-4   TextBox1.Text = string.Concat(n1, "\n", n2, "\n", n3, "\n", n4, "\n", n5, "\n", n6, "\n", n7, "\n", n8);
} //四舍五入
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  double n1 = Math.Round(0.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 1
  double n2 = Math.Round(1.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 2
  double n3 = Math.Round(2.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 3
  double n4 = Math.Round(3.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 4
  double n5 = Math.Round(-0.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); //-1
  double n6 = Math.Round(-1.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); //-2
  double n7 = Math.Round(-2.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); //-3
  double n8 = Math.Round(-3.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); //-4   TextBox1.Text = string.Concat(n1, "\n", n2, "\n", n3, "\n", n4, "\n", n5, "\n", n6, "\n", n7, "\n", n8);
} //指定小数位数(0..28)的舍入
protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  double n1 = Math.Round(3.126, 2); // 3.13
  double n2 = Math.Round(3.124, 2); // 3.12   double n3 = Math.Round(3.125, 2); // 3.12
  double n4 = Math.Round(3.135, 2); // 3.14   double n5 = Math.Round(3.125, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 3.13
  double n6 = Math.Round(3.135, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 3.14   TextBox1.Text = string.Concat(n1, "\n", n2, "\n", n3, "\n", n4, "\n", n5, "\n", n6);

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