$.extend($.ui.draggable, {
version: “1.7.1″,
eventPrefix: “drag”,
defaults: {
addClasses: true,
appendTo: “parent”,
axis: false,
cancel: “:input,option”,
connectToSortable: false,
containment: false,
cursor: “auto”,
cursorAt: false,
delay: 0,
distance: 1,
grid: false,
handle: false,
helper: “original”,
iframeFix: false,
opacity: false,
refreshPositions: false,
revert: false,
revertDuration: 500,
scope: “default”,
scroll: true,
scrollSensitivity: 20,
scrollSpeed: 20,
snap: false,
snapMode: “both”,
snapTolerance: 20,
stack: false,
zIndex: false
var $start_counter = $(’#event-start’), $drag_counter = $(’#event-drag’), $stop_counter = $(’#event-stop’);
var counts = [0,0,0];
start: function() {
drag: function() {
stop: function() {
function updateCounterStatus($event_counter,new_count) {
// first update the status visually…
if (!$event_counter.hasClass(’ui-state-hover’)) {
// …then update the numbers
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ axis: ‘y’ }); //限制y轴
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ axis: ‘x’ }); //限制x轴
$(”#draggable3″).draggable({ containment: ‘#containment-wrapper’, scroll: false }); //不出现滚动条
$(”#draggable4″).draggable({ containment: ‘#demo-frame’ });
$(”#draggable5″).draggable({ containment: ‘parent’ }); //限制在父系框架中
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ distance: 20 }); //移动20像素开始拖动
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ delay: 1000 });//延迟1秒后开始拖动
snap-to (吸附移动):
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ snap: true }); //默认,任何方式吸附
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ snap: ‘.ui-widget-header’ }); //以某元素的内外径吸附
$(”#draggable3″).draggable({ snap: ‘.ui-widget-header’, snapMode: ‘outer’ }); //以某元素外径吸附,吸附方式:本上吸其下,本下吸其上. 内径吸附:inner, 吸附方式:相反
$(”#draggable4″).draggable({ grid: [20,20] });//以一定距离移动
$(”#draggable5″).draggable({ grid: [80, 80] });
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ scroll: true });
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ scroll: true, scrollSensitivity: 100 }); //滚动条敏感度
$(”#draggable3″).draggable({ scroll: true, scrollSpeed: 100 }); //滚动速度
revert position(恢复到原始位置):
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ revert: true }); //revert:true 设置为恢复到位置
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ revert: true, helper: ‘clone’ }); //helper:’clone’ 复制拖动
visualfeedback (视觉效果):
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ helper: ‘original’ }); //设置不复制(初始化设置)
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ opacity: 0.7, helper: ‘clone’ }); //opacity设置透明度,并克隆元素
cursor: ‘move’, //设置鼠标图形
cursorAt: { top: -12, left: -20 }, //位置定位坐标设置
helper: function(event) {
return $(’<div class=”ui-widget-header”>I\’m a custom helper</div>’);
} //新建提示元素,上面设置其以鼠标定位位置值
$(”#set div”).draggable({ stack: { group: ‘#set div’, min: -1 } });//群组设置拖动,并且最后添加的元素叠加到该群组的最上面.适合做许愿板效果。
Drag handle (拖动点设置):
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ handle: ‘p’ }); //handle设置实现拖动位置
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ cancel: “p.ui-widget-header” }); //cancel设置限制拖动位置
Cursor style (鼠标样式):
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ cursorAt: { cursor: ‘move’, top: 56, left: 56 } }); //cursor设置鼠标样式, top、left、right、bottom设置元素相对鼠标的定位点
$(”#draggable2″).draggable({ cursorAt: { cursor: ‘crosshair’, top: -5, left: -5 } });
$(”#draggable3″).draggable({ cursorAt: { bottom: 0 } });
Cursor style (鼠标样式):
$(”#draggable”).draggable({ cursorAt: { cursor: ‘move’, top: 56, left: 56 } }); //cursor设置鼠标样式, top、left、right、bottom设置元素相对鼠标的定位点
revert: true
connectToSortable: ‘#sortable’, //设置拖动加入到其他列表中
helper: ‘clone’,
revert: ‘invalid’
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