




if exists (select 1
from sys.sysreferences r join sys.sysobjects o on (o.id = r.constid and o.type = 'F')
where r.fkeyid = object_id('tb_CustomerDetail') and o.name = 'FK_TB_CUSTO_REFERENCE_TB_CUSTO')
alter table tb_CustomerDetail
go if exists (select 1
from sys.sysreferences r join sys.sysobjects o on (o.id = r.constid and o.type = 'F')
where r.fkeyid = object_id('tb_DictionaryDetail') and o.name = 'FK_TB_DICTI_REFERENCE_TB_DICTI')
alter table tb_DictionaryDetail
go if exists (select 1
from sys.sysreferences r join sys.sysobjects o on (o.id = r.constid and o.type = 'F')
where r.fkeyid = object_id('tb_EmployeeCon') and o.name = 'FK_TB_EMPLO_REFERENCE_TB_EMPLO')
alter table tb_EmployeeCon
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('_tmp')
and type = 'U')
drop table _tmp
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_Customer')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_Customer
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_CustomerDetail')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_CustomerDetail
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_Dictionary')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_Dictionary
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_DictionaryDetail')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_DictionaryDetail
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_EmpLeave')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_EmpLeave
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_Employee')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_Employee
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_EmployeeCon')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_EmployeeCon
go if exists (select 1
from sysobjects
where id = object_id('tb_MyUser')
and type = 'U')
drop table tb_MyUser
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: _tmp */
create table _tmp (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', '_tmp'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', '_tmp', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', '_tmp', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', '_tmp', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', '_tmp', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', '_tmp', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_Customer */
create table tb_Customer (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
CustomerCode varchar(20) not null,
CustomerName varchar(50) null,
Adress nvarchar(100) null,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_CUSTOMER primary key (CustomerCode)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'CustomerCode'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'CustomerName'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'Adress'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Customer', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_CustomerDetail */
create table tb_CustomerDetail (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
CustomerCode varchar(20) null,
CustomerAttribute varchar(50) null,
CustomerATValue nvarchar(100) null,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_CUSTOMERDETAIL primary key (isid)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'CustomerCode'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'CustomerAttribute'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'CustomerATValue'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_CustomerDetail', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_Dictionary */
create table tb_Dictionary (
TypeID varchar(10) not null,
TypeName varchar(20) null,
Remark varchar(200) null,
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_DICTIONARY primary key (TypeID)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'TypeID'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'TypeName'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'Remark'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Dictionary', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_DictionaryDetail */
create table tb_DictionaryDetail (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
TypeID varchar(10) null,
DataCode varchar(10) null,
DataName varchar(20) null,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_DICTIONARYDETAIL primary key (isid)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'TypeID'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'DataCode'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'DataName'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_DictionaryDetail', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_EmpLeave */
create table tb_EmpLeave (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
DocNo varchar(20) not null,
EmpName varchar(20) null,
BeginDate datetime null,
EndDate datetime null,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_EMPLEAVE primary key (DocNo)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'DocNo'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'EmpName'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'BeginDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'EndDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmpLeave', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_Employee */
create table tb_Employee (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
InfoID varchar(10) not null,
EmpName varchar(20) null,
Sex varchar(2) null,
Age int null,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_EMPLOYEE primary key (InfoID)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'InfoID'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'EmpName'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'Sex'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'Age'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_Employee', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_EmployeeCon */
create table tb_EmployeeCon (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
InfoID varchar(10) null,
ConNo varchar(10) not null,
BeginDate datetime null,
EndDate datetime null,
Salary int null,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_EMPLOYEECON primary key nonclustered (ConNo)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'InfoID'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'ConNo'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'BeginDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'EndDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'Salary'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_EmployeeCon', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go /*==============================================================*/
/* Table: tb_MyUser */
create table tb_MyUser (
isid int identity(1,1) not for replication,
Account varchar(20) not null,
UserName varchar(20) null,
PetName varchar(20) null,
CreateUser varchar(20) null,
CreateDate datetime null,
LastUpdateUser varchar(20) null,
LastUpdateDate datetime null,
constraint PK_TB_MYUSER primary key (Account)
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'isid'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'Account'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'UserName'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'PetName'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'CreateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'CreateDate'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'LastUpdateUser'
go declare @CurrentUser sysname
select @CurrentUser = user_name()
execute sp_addextendedproperty 'MS_Description',
'user', @CurrentUser, 'table', 'tb_MyUser', 'column', 'LastUpdateDate'
go alter table tb_CustomerDetail
add constraint FK_TB_CUSTO_REFERENCE_TB_CUSTO foreign key (CustomerCode)
references tb_Customer (CustomerCode)
go alter table tb_DictionaryDetail
add constraint FK_TB_DICTI_REFERENCE_TB_DICTI foreign key (TypeID)
references tb_Dictionary (TypeID)
go alter table tb_EmployeeCon
add constraint FK_TB_EMPLO_REFERENCE_TB_EMPLO foreign key (InfoID)
references tb_Employee (InfoID)



1. GZFramwork数据库层《前言》Demo简介

2. GZFramwork数据库层《前言》DLL项目引用

3. GZFramwork数据库层《一》普通表增删改查

4. GZFramwork数据库层《二》单据表增删改查(自动生成单据号码)

5. GZFramwork数据库层《三》普通主从表增删改查

6. GZFramwork数据库层《四》单据主从表增删改查(主键自动生成)

7. GZFramwork数据库层《五》高级主从表增删改查(主表明细表主键都自动生成)

8. GZFramwork数据库层《六》存储过程调用

9. GZFramwork数据库层《七》总结


  1. GZFramwork数据库层《前言》DLL项目引用

    新建项目: 1. 项目引入GZFramwork.dll NuGet地址:Install-Package GZFramwork 每个项目都引用 2.BLL层 设置数据库连接维护类:继承于:GZFramw ...

  2. GZFramwork数据库层《四》单据主从表增删改查

    同GZFramwork数据库层<三>普通主从表增删改查 不同之处在于:实例 修改为: 直接上效果: 本系列项目源码下载地址:https://github.com/GarsonZhang/G ...

  3. GZFramwork数据库层《三》普通主从表增删改查

    运行结果: 使用代码生成器(GZCodeGenerate)生成tb_Cusomer和tb_CusomerDetail的Model 生成器源代码下载地址: https://github.com/Gars ...

  4. GZFramwork数据库层《二》单据表增删改查(自动生成单据号码)

    运行效果: 使用代码生成器(GZCodeGenerate)生成tb_EmpLeave的Model 生成器源代码下载地址: https://github.com/GarsonZhang/GZCodeGe ...

  5. GZFramwork数据库层《一》普通表增删改查

    运行结果:     使用代码生成器(GZCodeGenerate)生成tb_MyUser的Model 生成器源代码下载地址: https://github.com/GarsonZhang/GZCode ...

  6. 8 Django 模型层(1)--orm简介

    ORM简介 MVC或者MVC框架中包括一个重要的部分,就是ORM,它实现了数据模型与数据库的解耦,即数据模型的设计不需要依赖于特定的数据库,通过简单的配置就可以轻松更换数据库,这极大的减轻了开发人员的 ...

  7. 《转》读discuzx3.1 数据库层笔记

    最近开始在看discuzx3.1的代码,看到数据库层的实现,discuzx的数据库层能够支撑数据库分库,分布式部署,主要水平分表,也可以很方便的支持其他数据库.性能上,可以做读写分离,支持数据缓存.可 ...

  8. SAP Netweaver和Hybris的数据库层

    ABAP Netweaver 在SAP基于Netweaver的ABAP应用里,应用开发人员用Open SQL访问数据库, 这些Open SQL会被Database interface(数据库接口)转换 ...

  9. 第一章 权限管理DEMO简介

    源代码GitHub:https://github.com/ZhaoRd/Zrd_0001_AuthorityManagement 1.系列介绍 工作已有五年之久,一直有想通过博客写点自己知道的,在博客 ...


  1. BizTalk动手实验(一)安装BizTalk Server 2010开发环境

    1 课程简介 通过本课程了解BizTalk 2010的软依赖及基本的安装配置步骤,BizTalk相应的解决方案及高可用性方案可在课程的基础进行深入学习. 2 准备工作 硬件环境:CPU >2.0 ...

  2. 数据结构--树(遍历,红黑,B树)

    平时接触树还比较少,写一篇博文来积累一下树的相关知识. 很早之前在数据结构里面学的树的遍历. 前序遍历:根节点->左子树->右子树 中序遍历:左子树->根节点->右子树 后序遍 ...

  3. venus java高并发框架

    http://www.iteye.com/topic/1118484 因为有 netty.mima等远程框架.包括spring jboss等remoting框架 和阿里的dubbo相比, 没有亮点.. ...

  4. FastDFS connect timed out

    java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed outUpload file "1003.png"fails:connect time ...

  5. NGUI 渲染流程深入研究 (UIDrawCall UIGeometry UIPanel UIWidget)

    上图是一个简要的NGUI的图形工作流程,UIGeometry被UIWidget实例化之后,通过UIWidget的子类,也就是UISprit,UILabel等,在OnFill()函数里算出所需的Geom ...

  6. JS-页面操作

    --刷新页面 window.location.reload();

  7. iOS 用collectionview 做的无限图片滚动 广告banner适用

    使用方法见demo,bug未知,若有什么问题欢迎留言:) http://files.cnblogs.com/files/n1ckyxu/NickyScrollImageView.zip demo使用s ...

  8. MySQL学习笔记——ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) Enter password: E ...

  9. ios - 纯代码创建collectionView

    开始考虑好一点点时间,因为一般的都是用xib,或者storyboard来写的.这次用纯代码...废话较多请看 首先把storyboard干掉,工程里面的main干掉 由于干掉了storyboard则启 ...

  10. http.Handler 与Go的错误处理

    原文地址    在之前我写过一篇关于通过使用http.HandlerFunc来实现一个定制handler类型用来避免一些平常的错误的文章.func MyHandler(w http.ResponseW ...