Spring Data JPA进阶——Specifications和Querydsl
Spring Data JPA进阶——Specifications和Querydsl
本篇介绍一下spring Data JPA中能为数据访问程序的开发带来更多便利的特性,我们知道,Spring Data repository的配置很简单,一个典型的repository像下面这样:
public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, Long> {
Customer findByEmailAddress(String emailAddress);
List<Customer> findByLastname(String lastname, Sort sort);
Page<Customer> findByFirstname(String firstname, Pageable pageable);
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我们都知道JPA提供了Criteria API,下面我们就用一个例子,展示一下Criteria的使用,想象这样一个场景,我们想针对长期客户,在生日那天给他发一段祝福,我们怎么做呢?
使用Criteria API
我们有两个条件,生日和长期客户,我们假设两年前注册的就是长期客户吧,怎么用JPA 2.0的Criteria API实现呢:
LocalDate today = new LocalDate();
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Customer> query = builder.createQuery(Customer.class);
Root<Customer> root = query.from(Customer.class);
Predicate hasBirthday = builder.equal(root.get(Customer_.birthday), today);
Predicate isLongTermCustomer = builder.lessThan(root.get(Customer_.createdAt), today.minusYears(2);
query.where(builder.and(hasBirthday, isLongTermCustomer));
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- 第一,由于每次要先建立CriteriaBuilder,CriteriaQuery,Root,所以导致查询条件的重用和扩展性不是很好
- 第二,上面程序可读性一般,并不能一目了然知道程序在干嘛
为了重用查询条件,我们引入了Specification接口,这是从Eric Evans’ Domain Driven Design 一书中的概念衍生出来的,它为对一个实体查询的谓词定义了一个规范,实体类型由Specification接口的泛型参数来决定,这个接口只包含下面一个方法:
public interface Specification<T> {
Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery query, CriteriaBuilder cb);
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public CustomerSpecifications {
public static Specification<Customer> customerHasBirthday() {
return new Specification<Customer> {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
return cb.equal(root.get(Customer_.birthday), today);
public static Specification<Customer> isLongTermCustomer() {
return new Specification<Customer> {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
return cb.lessThan(root.get(Customer_.createdAt), new LocalDate.minusYears(2));
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public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer>, JpaSpecificationExecutor {
// Your query methods here
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相比JPA Criteria API的原生接口,我们的实现更加具有扩展性和可读性,当时实现Specification的时候需要一点小波折,但这是值得的
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QCustomer customer = QCustomer.customer;
LocalDate today = new LocalDate();
BooleanExpression customerHasBirthday = customer.birthday.eq(today);
BooleanExpression isLongTermCustomer = customer.createdAt.lt(today.minusYears(2));
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public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor {
// Your query methods here
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BooleanExpression customerHasBirthday = customer.birthday.eq(today);
BooleanExpression isLongTermCustomer = customer.createdAt.lt(today.minusYears(2));
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Spring Data JPA repository抽象允许通过把JPA Criteria API包装到Specification中来简化开发,还可以使用Querydsl,实现方法也很简单,分别集成JpaSpecificationExecutor或者QueryDslPredicateExecutor即可,当然,如果需要的话,一起使用也没问题
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