Even a small star shines in the darkness.


In the darkness, even a small star can shine.

Not every star can give out light, like moon, which just reflects back the light of the sun.

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.


The aim of education is not only to teach the knowledge, but also to teach how to behave in the life.

September 23rd 2016 Week 39th Friday的更多相关文章

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    The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship. 最大的孤独莫过于没有真诚的友谊. I walk slowly, but I n ...

  2. September 22nd 2016 Week 39th Thursday

    Things won are done, the soul of joy lies in the doing. 得到即是完结,快乐的精髓在于过程. Things won are done, thing ...

  3. September 21st 2016 Week 39th Wednesday

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  6. September 18th 2016 Week 39th Sunday

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