
The steps provided require that you briefly stop the license manager. During this time, connections to the license manager may be lost.

  1. Click Start > Programs > ArcGIS > License Manager > License Server Administrator.
  2. Select Start/Stop License Server in the table of contents and click Stop.
  3. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your license manager installation location (C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\License10.0\bin by default), in which you will see a service.txt file.
  4. The file should look similar to this:
		SERVER this_host ANY
FEATURE ACT ARCGIS 1 permanent 1 7ED49106D630

At the end of line one, you can choose to specify a port number immediately after ANY.

On the VENDOR line, add PORT=####, where #### is a specific port number designated by you, to lock the vendor daemon to that specific port, for example, 1234. After making he changes, your service.txt file should look something like this:

  SERVER this_host ANY 27000
FEATURE ACT ARCGIS 1 permanent 1 7ED49106D630
  1. Save the .txt file.
  2. From the License Server Administrator, click Start.
  3. The vendor daemon is now static, locked to the port specified.
  4. These ports can now be saved as exceptions in the firewall to allow communication between the license server and the client.

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