
Guacamole 是一个基于 HTML 5 和 JavaScript 的 VNC 查看器,服务端基于 Java 的 VNC-to-XML 代理开发。要求浏览器支持HTML5

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.

We call it clientless because no plugins or client software are required.

Thanks to HTML5, once Guacamole is installed on a server, all you need to access your desktops is a web browser.

Apache Guacamole 是一个无客户端远程桌面网关。支持标准协议,如VNC、RDP、SSH。称他为无客户端,是因为没有插件和客户端软件被要求。由于HTML5,一旦Guacamole 被安装到服务端,通过web 浏览器就可以访问你的桌面。


  • RDP 增加对声音的支持
  • 对 UI 进行重新设计
  • 显著提升了对移动设备的支持
  • 文档改为在线图书格式






  Guacamole proxy daemon,guacamole-server一部分, built along with libguac and all protocol support by the guacamole-server package.

  通过man guacd查看更多信息。

  1. guacd() Guacamole guacd()
  3. NAME
  4. guacd - Guacamole proxy daemon
  7. guacd [-b HOST] [-l PORT] [-p PID FILE] [-L LOG LEVEL] [-C CERTIFICATE FILE] [-K KEY FILE] [-f]
  10. guacd is the Guacamole proxy daemon used by the Guacamole web application and framework. As JavaScript cannot handle binary protocols (like VNC
  11. and remote desktop) efficiently, a new text-based protocol was developed which would contain a common superset of the operations needed for
  12. efficient remote desktop access, but would be easy for JavaScript programs to process. guacd is the proxy which translates between arbitrary
  13. protocols and the Guacamole protocol.
  16. -b HOST
  17. Changes the host or address that guacd listens on.
  19. -l PORT
  20. Changes the port that guacd listens on (the default is port ).
  22. -p FILE
  23. Causes guacd to write the PID of the daemon process to the specified file. This is useful for init scripts and is used by the provided
  24. init script.
  26. -L LEVEL
  27. Sets the maximum level at which guacd will log messages to syslog and, if running in the foreground, the console. Legal values are
  28. debug, info, warning, and error. The default value is info.
  30. -f Causes guacd to run in the foreground, rather than automatically forking into the background.

     If libssl was present at the time guacd was compiled, it will contain SSL/TLS support, and connections between the web application and guacd
     can be encrypted if a certificate file is given.

     When using a chain of certificates, you must append the additional certificates to your server certificate. This can be done easily with the
     standard cat command. Beware that the certificate for guacd must be the first certificate in the file.

     Enables SSL/TLS using the given cerficiate file. Future connections to this instance of guacd will require SSL/TLS enabled in the client
     (the web application). If this option is not given, communication with guacd must be unencrypted.

     -K KEY FILE
     Enables SSL/TLS using the given private key file. Future connections to this instance of guacd will require SSL/TLS enabled in the
     client (the web application). If this option is not given, communication with guacd must be unencrypted.


     Written by Michael Jumper <mike.jumper@guac-dev.org>



  1. NAME
  2. /etc/guacamole/guacd.conf - Configuration file for guacd
  5. /etc/guacamole/guacd.conf is the configuration file for the Guacamole proxy daemon used by the Guacamole web application and framework, guacd.
  6. Use of this file is entirely optional, and all of its options can be specified from the command line when running guacd. If you provide both
  7. the guacd.conf file and command line options, the command line options will take precedence.
  10. guacd.conf is made up of sections, where each section contains a set of parameter/value pairs. The parameters available are dictated by the
  11. section in use, and parameters may only be specified within a section.
  13. The beginning of each section is denoted with a section name in brackets, and each section ends implicitly with the beginning of a new section,
  14. or at the end of the file.
  16. [server]
  17. Contains parameters which control how guacd behaves as a server, from a network perspective.
  19. [daemon]
  20. Parameters which configure how guacd behaves as a daemon, such as what file should contain the PID, if any.
  22. [ssl] Parameters which control the SSL support of guacd, such as the certificate and private key used for encryption of the Guacamole proto-
  23. col. This section and its parameters are only valid if guacd was built with SSL support.
  25. Parameters within sections are written as a parameter name, followed by an equals sign, followed by the parameter value, all on one line. Com-
  26. ments may be placed anywhere, and consist of arbitrary text following a # symbol until end-of-line:
  28. name = value # Some arbitrary comment text
  30. Beware that it is the combination of the section name with the parameter name that makes up the fully qualified name of a parameter. Each
  31. parameter absolutely must be placed only within its proper section, or guacd.conf will fail to be parsed, and guacd will not start.

     If special characters need to be placed within a parameter value, such as whitespace, #, ", or \, the entire value must be enclosed in double
     quotes, and each occurrence of " or \ within the value must be escaped with backslashes:


     name = "quoted # value \\ with \" special characters"


     bind_host = HOSTNAME
     Requires guacd to bind to a specific host when listening for connections. By default, guacd will bind to localhost only.


     bind_port = PORT
     Requires guacd to bind to a specific port when listening for connections. By default, guacd will bind to port 4822.


     log_level = LEVEL
     Sets the maximum level at which guacd will log messages to syslog and, if running in the foreground, the console. Legal values are
     debug, info, warning, and error. The default value is info.


     pid_file = FILE
     Causes guacd to write its PID to the specified file upon startup. Note that guacd must have sufficient privileges to create or write
     this file, or it will fail to start. This parameter is typically needed for startup scripts, such that the script can report on the sta-
     tus of guacd and kill it if necessary.


     If guacd was built with SSL support, then connections between the web application and guacd can be encrypted if an SSL certificate and key file
     are given.


     When using a chain of certificates, you must append the additional certificates to your server certificate. This can be done easily with the
     standard cat command. Beware that the certificate for guacd must be the first certificate in the file.

     server_certificate = CERTIFICATE FILE
       Enables SSL/TLS using the given cerficiate file. Future connections to guacd will require SSL/TLS enabled in the client (the web appli-

     server_key = KEY FILE
       Enables SSL/TLS using the given private key file. Future connections to guacd will require SSL/TLS enabled in the client (the web appli-

     # guacd.conf example


     pid_file = /var/run/guacd.pid


     bind_host = localhost
     bind_port = 4822


     server_certificate = /etc/ssl/certs/guacd.crt
     server_key = /etc/ssl/private/guacd.key

     Written by Michael Jumper <mike.jumper@guac-dev.org>










  Q1. 访问远程桌面,失败,在/var/log/messages 文件中出现如下日志:

    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: Protocol "rdp" selected
    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: Connection ID is "$2deb5a3e-8a6c-4cd5-8123-4d68a9af985a"
    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: No security mode specified. Defaulting to RDP.
    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: Loading keymap "base"
    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: Failed to load cliprdr plugin. Clipboard will not work.
    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: Error connecting to RDP server
    Feb 23 00:12:43 localhost guacd[2939]: Connection did not succeed

    A: 验证config中的ip能够访问。

  Q2: /var/log/messages  如下问题:

  1. --27T19::58.103149+: info daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: Protocol "rdp" selected
  2. --27T19::58.611918+: info daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: Connection ID is "$e5990f8a-5d91-443a-aca4-21b331ccbf9a"
  3. --27T19::58.612866+: info daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: No security mode specified. Defaulting to RDP.
  4. --27T19::58.616809+: info daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: Loading keymap "base"
  5. --27T19::58.616868+: info daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
  6. --27T19::58.695393+: warning daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: Failed to load cliprdr plugin. Clipboard will not work.
  7. --27T19::58.792808+: warning daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: Failed to load guacdr plugin. Drive redirection and printing will not work. Sound MAY not work.
  8. --27T19::58.795447+: warning daemon vClass-ftYDC guacd[]: Failed to load guacsnd alongside guacdr plugin. Sound will not work. Drive redirection and printing MAY not work.

    A2: 由于远程机器的防火墙的问题。


  Q3. 生成rpm,在安装时,出现

    /sbin/ldconfig: /lib/libgcc-4.4.5.so 不是 ELF 文件 - 它起始的魔数错误。

    /sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib64/libreadline.so.5 不是符号连接


  1.  官网:http://guacamole.incubator.apache.org/

  2.  Guacamole on Fedora and CentOS/RHEL 6

  3. http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/guacamole-server.git/

  4.  http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/31089280/dir/fedora_other/com/guacamole-0.9.8-1.fc23.noarch.rpm.html

  5.  源码: https://github.com/apache/incubator-guacamole-server


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