LeetCode(7)Reverse Integer
Reverse digits of an integer.
Example1: x = 123, return 321
Example2: x = -123, return -321
#define INT_MAX 2147483647 /* maximum (signed) int value */
bool overflow(int x)
if (x / 1000000000 == 0) // x的绝对值小于1000000000, 不越界
return false;
} else if (x == INT_MIN) // INT_MIN反转后越界,也没法按下述方法取绝对值(需要特判),直接返回true
return true;
x = abs(x);
// x = d463847412 -> 2147483647. (参数x,本身没有越界,所以d肯定是1或2)
// or -d463847412 -> -2147483648.
for (int cmp = 463847412; cmp != 0; cmp/=10, x/=10)
if ( x%10 > cmp%10 )
return true;
} else if (x%10 < cmp%10)
return false;
} return false;
class Solution
int reverse(int x)
if( overflow(x) == true)
return 0;
} int result = 0; while (x!=0)
result = 10*result + x%10;
x /= 10;
} return result;
bool overflow(int x)
if (x / 1000000000 == 0) // x的绝对值小于1000000000, 不越界
return false;
} else if (x == INT_MIN) // INT_MIN反转后越界,也没法按下述方法取绝对值(需要特判),直接返回true
return true;
x = abs(x);
// x = d463847412 -> 2147483647. (参数x,本身没有越界,所以d肯定是1或2)
// or -d463847412 -> -2147483648.
for (int cmp = 463847412; cmp != 0; cmp/=10, x/=10)
if ( x%10 > cmp%10 )
return true;
} else if (x%10 < cmp%10)
return false;
} return false;
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