09 |
public static Form MainForm { get ; set ; } |
15 |
<TYPEPARAM name= "T" > 窗口类型 |
17 |
public static void CreateChildWindow |
18 |
<T> () where T : Form, new () |
19 |
// where 子句还可以包括构造函数约束。 可以使用 new 运算符创建类型参数的实例;但类型参数为此必须受构造函数约束 |
20 |
// new() 的约束。 new() 约束可以让编译器知道:提供的任何类型参数都必须具有可访问的无参数(或默认)构造函数。 |
24 |
var childForms = MainForm.MdiChildren; |
26 |
foreach (Form f in childForms) |
40 |
form.Icon = System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(Properties.Resources.MainIcon.GetHicon()); |
42 |
form.MdiParent = MainForm; |
44 |
form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; |
47 |
form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; |
前台点击按钮调用代码:CreateMDIWindow.CreateChildWindow (); <>里为窗体的名称。
02 |
public class UserSetting |
07 |
private string FilePath{ get { return Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "User.data" ); } } |
12 |
public string AudioResourceFolder { get ; set ; } |
17 |
public string Solution { get ; set ; } |
24 |
if (!File.Exists(FilePath)) |
26 |
FileStream fs = File.Create(FilePath); |
27 |
fs.Close(); //不关闭文件流,首次创建该文件后不能被使用买现成会被占用 |
34 |
public UserSetting ReadUserSetting() |
36 |
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read)) |
41 |
SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); |
42 |
ob = sf.Deserialize(fs); |
44 |
return ob as UserSetting; |
51 |
public void SaveUserSetting( object obj) |
53 |
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) |
55 |
SoapFormatter sf = new SoapFormatter(); |
04 |
private void BindData( int elevatorLow, int number) |
08 |
DataTable list = new DataTable(); |
10 |
list.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "name" , typeof ( string ))); |
11 |
list.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "musicPath" , typeof ( string ))); |
12 |
for ( int i =0; i < number; i++) |
17 |
list.Rows.Add(list.NewRow()); |
18 |
list.Rows[i][0] = elevatorLow; |
23 |
dataGridViewX1.DataSource = list; |
26 |
{ MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } |
01 |
private void dataGridViewX1_CellContentClick( object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) |
08 |
DataGridViewColumn column = dataGridViewX1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex]; |
09 |
if (column is DataGridViewButtonColumn) |
11 |
OpenFileDialog openMusic = new OpenFileDialog(); |
12 |
openMusic.AddExtension = true ; |
13 |
openMusic.Multiselect = true ; |
14 |
openMusic.Filter = "MP3文件(*.mp3)|*mp3" ; |
15 |
if (openMusic.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) |
17 |
dataGridViewX1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Value = Path.GetFileName(openMusic.FileName); |
23 |
{ MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } |
使用Shellclass获得文件属性可以参考 点击打开链接
04 |
/// <PARAM name="filePath" />文件的完整路径 |
05 |
public static string [] GetMP3Time( string filePath) |
07 |
string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); |
08 |
string SongName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); //获得歌曲名称 |
09 |
ShellClass sh = new ShellClass(); |
10 |
Folder dir = sh.NameSpace(dirName); |
11 |
FolderItem item = dir.ParseName(SongName); |
12 |
string SongTime = dir.GetDetailsOf(item, 27); //27为获得歌曲持续时间 ,28为获得音乐速率,1为获得音乐文件大小 |
13 |
string [] time = Regex.Split(SongTime, ":" ); |
音频的操作用的fmpeg.exe ,下载地址
04 |
/// <PARAM name="exe" />ffmpeg程序 |
05 |
/// <PARAM name="arg" />执行参数 |
06 |
public static void ExcuteProcess( string exe, string arg) |
08 |
using (var p = new Process()) |
10 |
p.StartInfo.FileName = exe; |
11 |
p.StartInfo.Arguments = arg; |
12 |
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false ; //输出信息重定向 |
13 |
p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true ; |
14 |
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true ; |
15 |
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true ; |
17 |
p.BeginOutputReadLine(); |
18 |
p.BeginErrorReadLine(); |
19 |
p.WaitForExit(); //等待进程结束 |
01 |
private void btnConvert_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) |
04 |
if (txtMp3Music.Text != "" ) |
06 |
string fromMusic = Statics.Setting.AudioResourceFolder + "\\" + Statics.Setting.Solution+ "\\" + cobFolders.Text + "\\" + txtMusic.Text; //转换音乐路径 |
07 |
string toMusic = Statics.Setting.AudioResourceFolder + "\\" + Statics.Setting.Solution+ "\\" + cobFolders.Text + "\\" + txtMp3Music.Text; //转换后音乐路径 |
08 |
int bitrate = Convert.ToInt32(cobBitRate.Text) * 1000; //恒定码率 |
09 |
string Hz = cobHz.Text; //采样频率 |
13 |
MP3Convertion.ExcuteProcess( "ffmpeg.exe" , "-y -ab " + bitrate + " -ar " + Hz + " -i \"" + fromMusic + "\" \"" + toMusic + "\"" ); |
14 |
if (cbRetain.Checked == false ) |
16 |
File.Delete(fromMusic); |
21 |
foreach (ListViewItem lt in listMusics.Items) |
23 |
if (lt.Text == txtMusic.Text) |
25 |
listMusics.Items.Remove(lt); |
31 |
MessageBox.Show( "转换完成" ); |
33 |
txtMp3Music.Text = "" ; |
36 |
{ MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } |
40 |
MessageBox.Show( "请选择你要转换的音乐" ); |
01 |
private void btnCut_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) |
03 |
SaveFileDialog saveMusic = new SaveFileDialog(); |
04 |
saveMusic.Title = "选择音乐文件存放的位置" ; |
05 |
saveMusic.DefaultExt = ".mp3" ; |
06 |
saveMusic.InitialDirectory = Statics.Setting.AudioResourceFolder + "\\" + Statics.Setting.Solution+ "\\" + cobFolders.Text; |
07 |
string fromPath = Statics.Setting.AudioResourceFolder + "\\" + Statics.Setting.Solution + "\\" + cobFolders.Text + "\\" + txtMusic.Text; //要切割音乐的物理路径 |
08 |
string startTime = string .Format( "0:{0}:{1}" , txtBeginM.Text, txtBeginS.Text).Trim(); //歌曲起始时间 |
09 |
int duration = (Convert.ToInt32( this .txtEndM.Text) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32( this .txtEndS.Text)) - (Convert.ToInt32( this .txtBeginM.Text) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32( this .txtBeginS.Text)); |
10 |
string endTime = string .Format( "0:{0}:{1}" , duration / 60, duration % 60); //endTime是持续的时间,不是歌曲结束的时间 |
11 |
if (saveMusic.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) |
13 |
string savePath = saveMusic.FileName; //切割后音乐保存的物理路径 |
16 |
MP3Convertion.ExcuteProcess( "ffmpeg.exe" , "-y -i \"" + fromPath + "\" -ss " + startTime + " -t " + endTime + " -acodec copy \"" + savePath+ "\"" ); //-acodec copy表示歌曲的码率和采样频率均与前者相同 |
17 |
MessageBox.Show( "已切割完成" ); |
21 |
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); |
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