What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python
: called by therepr()
built-in function and by string conversions (reverse quotes) to compute the "official" string representation of an object.
: called by thestr()
build-in function and by the print statement to compute the "informal" string representation of an object.Quote from Python's Data Model
两者都是对对象的表述, repr是正式的解释, str是信息形式的解释
>>> x = 1>>> repr(x)'1'>>> str(x)'1'>>> y = 'a string'>>> repr(y)"'a string'">>> str(y)'a string'
对于整数没有差别, 对于字符串, 我们可以看到差别
While the return of
are identical forint x
, you should notice the difference between the return values forstr y
. It is important to realize the default implementation of__repr__
for astr
object can be called as an argument toeval
and the return value would be a validstr
>>> repr(y)"'a string'">>> y2 = eval(repr(y))>>> y == y2True
Therefore, a "formal" representation of an object should be callable by eval() and return the same object, if possible. If not possible, such as in the case where the object's members are referring itself that leads to infinite circular reference, then
should be unambiguous and contain as much information as possible.
对于非基本类型的复杂对象, 则不能被eval计算还原, 这种情况必须遵守 意思清楚的 , 包括信息尽量多的原则。
>>> class ClassB(object):... def __init__(self, a=None):... self.a = a...... def __repr__(self):... return '%s(a=a)' % (self.__class__)...>>> a = ClassA()>>> b = ClassB(a=a)>>> a.b = b>>> repr(a)"<class '__main__.ClassA'>(<class '__main__.ClassB'>(a=a))">>> repr(b)"<class '__main__.ClassB'>(a=a)"
representation of now looks cleaner and easier to read than the formal representation generated from__repr__
. Sometimes, being able to quickly grasp what's stored in an object is valuable to grab the "big" picture of a complex program.
str更加注重可读性, 一眼就可以获取对象内容,不关注实现的细节。
>>> from datetime import datetime>>> now = datetime.now()>>> repr(now)'datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 5, 4, 43, 11, 673075)'>>> str(now)'2013-02-05 04:43:11.673075'
Tips and Suggestions between __str__ and __repr__ in Python
- Implement
for every class you implement. There should be no excuse.- Implement
for classes which you think readability is more important of non-ambiguity.
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