A Story is Sprint ready (Rally Defined) when.............

The story has well defined and testable acceptance criteria agreed with the Product Owner (PO) / Business

Specification By Example (SBE) is complete

The team understands the context and scope of the story

The team and PO can answer the question "How will we test this Story?"

The team understands how the story will be implemented -

The team has estimated and entered Story Point

We have tasks broken down for completion, including hour estimates

Answered the question - Are there any dependencies (other systems, teams, vendor feeds, technical constraints, etc.) which need to be considered when implementing this story?

Answered the question - Are any KB articles for PS required for this story?

Answered the question - Are any Training material updates required for this story?

A Story is DONE (Rally Complete) when................

All code / migration scripts complete, checked in and merged to trunk

Unit testing complete

Builds on the Continuous Integration server are green

Code peer reviewed (or pairing during build)

Test scripts written, agreed and executed with the team and PO

Required system / integration / targeted regression testing complete

All Acceptence Criteria are met

Deployed to UAT

Demo'd to the PO

PS Knowledge Base articles updated, as required

The TEAM are happy for the change to go into production

A Story is Sprint ready (Rally Defined) when.............

The story has well defined and testable acceptance criteria agreed with the Product Owner (PO) / Business

Specification By Example (SBE) is complete

The team understands the context and scope of the story

The team and PO can answer the question "How will we test this Story?"

The team understands how the story will be implemented -

The team has estimated and entered Story Point

We have tasks broken down for completion, including hour estimates

Answered the question - Are there any dependencies (other systems, teams, vendor feeds, technical constraints, etc.) which need to be considered when implementing this story?

Answered the question - Are any KB articles for PS required for this story?

Answered the question - Are any Training material updates required for this story?

A Story is DONE (Rally Complete) when................

All code / migration scripts complete, checked in and merged to trunk

Unit testing complete

Builds on the Continuous Integration server are green

Code peer reviewed (or pairing during build)

Test scripts written, agreed and executed with the team and PO

Required system / integration / targeted regression testing complete

All Acceptence Criteria are met

Deployed to UAT

Demo'd to the PO

PS Knowledge Base articles updated, as required

The TEAM are happy for the change to go into production

A Story is DONE DONE (Rally Accepted) when

Signed off received from the Product Owner

Zero known defects or approval from the PO to move forward with any defects and/or missing functionality which will be completed in subsequent sprints

SNOW approval & release management pre-requisites complete

Release notes updated as required

PS Knowledge Base articles reviewed/approved by PS, as required

A Story is (Rally) Released when

It's deployed to the production environment

Signed off received from the Product Owner

Zero known defects or approval from the PO to move forward with any defects and/or missing functionality which will be completed in subsequent sprints

SNOW approval & release management pre-requisites complete

Release notes updated as required

PS Knowledge Base articles reviewed/approved by PS, as required

A Story is (Rally) Released when

It's deployed to the production environment

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