
2、查看模拟器 /systen/xbin是否有sqlite3命令

adb shell
cd /system/xbin

3、把模拟器 /system/xbin/sqlite3命令文件从模拟器拷到PC上

adb pull /system/xbin/sqlite3 e:/eclipse


5、获取Android手机 /system 文件夹的读取权限

adb shell # mout -o remout, rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system //(根据自己的设备网上很多人的设备是这个)


adb push e:/sqlite3 /system/xbin
// 若是提示permission denial
adb shell
chmod system/
cd system
chmod xbin

然后执行上面的 push
若是还是不行就直接 到eclipse DDMS filter explore 下面 /system/xbin
把所用的数据直接从电脑上拖到 /system/xbin 下面


adb shell
chmod /system/xbin/sqlite3



As an alternative (may not be secure or even good idea though) you can always upload the sqlite3 binary to /system/bin this worked for me:

// First lets mount /system/ to allow read/write (rw)
$ adb shell
$ su
# mount -o remount,rw /system // in another terminal change directory (cd) to where sqlite3 is and lets push it
$ ls
$ adb push sqlite3 /sdcard/ // Now back to the other shell lets copy and change permissions of the binary
# cat /sdcard/sqlite3 > /system/bin/sqlite3
# chmod /system/bin/sqlite3 // Now lets mount back /system/ as read only (ro)
# mount -o remount,ro /system // And now we can use sqlite3 from shell:
# sqlite3 /data/data/com.telly/databases/fun.db
SQLite version 3.7.
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .tables
android_metadata lulz // Note: I'm using the sqlite3 binary that comes with "SuperOneClickv1.6.5-ShortFuse"
// You can always pull sqlite3 binary from emulator:
// Start an emulator and then from a terminal
$ adb pull /system/xbin/sqlite3

Works on rooted Nexus-S running Android ICS 4.0.4 using the sqlite3 binary from SuperOneClick



On the Nexus 4 do the following :

adb shell
$ su
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# dd if=/sdcard/sqlite3 of=/system/xbin/sqlite3
# chmod /system/xbin/sqlite3
# mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

Notice the folder is /system/xbin and the chmod is 777

This works on my nexus 4 with kitkat , sqlite3 binary got from the emulator /system/xbin folder

To install sqlite3 on NON-ROOTED devices, here is a way that has been proved working on my Galaxy S3, FYR.

$ adb -e pull /system/xbin/sqlite3  # get sqlite3 binary from emulator with the same CPU arch.
$ adb -d push sqlite3 /mnt/sdcard # push it
$ adb -d shell
$ run-as <PACKAGE_NAME> # run as your app, which should be debuggable.
$ cd databases; pwd
$ cat /mnt/sdcard/sqlite3 > sqlite3 # copy it to internal storage directory
$ ls -l sqlite3
-rw-rw-rw- u0_a138 u0_a138 -- : sqlite3
$ chmod sqlite3 # change mode bits, to be executable $ ./sqlite3 # now it works on your NON-ROOTED device
SQLite version 3.7. -- ::
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

If you are lazy like me you can

download one right here for ICS or before or

for Jelly Bean and later here

From the answer of evelio, I had problem to push the sqlite3 file to /system/bin. So, instead, I have pushed it to the /sdcard.

In this thread I found the right Solution (answer of Kila): How can I install sqlite3 on rooted NexusOne runs Gingerbread

$ adb push sqlite3 /sdcard/

$ adb shell

$ su

# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

# dd if=/sdcard/sqlite3 of=/system/bin/sqlite3

# chmod  /system/bin/sqlite3

# mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

It works on my Samsung Galaxy S II with 2.3.3

Titanium Backup installed, Set the variable
%SQLITE3 to "/data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files/sqlite3".

I actually copied the titanium backup sqlite3 binary to system/xbin and it has been working for me since.

A symlink is an alternative solution, if you want the binary in your PATH (/system/xbin) and your system-rom is nearly full.
For example there is only 200KB free space left in the /system of my Nexus 7 after installing Lollipop + SuperSu + Busybox.

mount -o remount,rw /system
ln -s /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files/sqlite3 /system/xbin/sqlite3
mount -o remount,ro /system

Symlink has only 53 B and the binary has 300 KB.

Use the attached sqlite3...extract & copy it to the /system/xbin folder...give execute permissions [0755] and it should work
http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2246063&d=1378751634 : 2012-03-20 (3.7.11)

After copying file, you need to reboot.

Version of SQLite used in Android?

Using the emulators (adb shell sqlite3 --version):

SQLite 3.8.6:



20-Android L Developer Preview

SQLite 3.7.11:

18-4.3-Jelly Bean
17-4.2-Jelly Bean
16-4.1-Jelly Bean

SQLite 3.7.4:

15-4.0.3-Ice Cream Sandwich
14-4.0-Ice Cream Sandwich

SQLite 3.6.22:


SQLite 3.5.9:


Note: Android SDK level links show where the android.database.sqlite package has changed.

Where there is no link (e.g. SDK level 17), indicates no changes to that package.

Note: Here are some anomalies (list by no means exhaustive):

SQLite 3.7.13 (instead of 3.7.11):

LG Optimus L70 MS323 LGMS323|KOT49I.MS32310b (19-4.4-KitKat)
LG Optimus G E975 LG-E975|JZO54K (16-4.1-Jelly Bean)
LG G2 D802 LG-D802|JDQ39B (17-4.2-Jelly Bean)

SQLite (instead of 3.6.22):

LG Optimus Sol E730/myTouch E739/myTouch Q C800 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRJ22)
LG Optimus Vu F100S/F100L (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, RK39F)
LG Optimus LTE TAG F120K/F120L (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRK39F)
LG Optimus LTE L-01D (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRJ90)
LG Optimus Net P690b (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GINGERBREAD)
LG Prada KU5400 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GWK74)
LG Prada P940 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GWK74)
LG LU6200/SU640 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GRJ90)s

SQLite 3.7.5 (instead of 3.7.4):

Samsung Galaxy Note (15-GT-N7000|IML74K.ZSLPF)
Samsung Galaxy SII (15-SC-02C|IML74K.OMMP4 and GT-I9100|IML74K.DXLP7)
Samsung Galaxy S Duos (15-GT-S7562|IMM76I.S7562XXBMD6)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 (15-GT-P6810|IMM76D.ZSLP8)

SQLite (instead of 3.6.22):

LG Esteem MS910 (10-2.3.3-Gingerbread, GSE-_v.05)
AndroTab (8-2.2-Froyo, 1.0.7100.0385)
GPLUS MUSN M500 (8-2.2-Froyo, FRG83G)

SQLite (instead of 3.5.9):

Motorola Backflip MB300 (7-2.1-Eclair, ERD79)
Garmin-Asus nüvifone A10/A50/Garminfone (7-2.1-Eclair, ERE27)

Note: adb command to get SQLite version only works on emulators and

on devices with sqlite3 available: http://stackoverflow.com/a/3645800/444761


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