最近写了一个mvc 的 分页,样式是基于 bootstrap 的 ,提供查询条件,不过可以自己写样式根据个人的喜好,以此分享一下。首先新建一个Mvc 项目,既然是分页就需要一些数据,我这边是模拟了一些假的数据,实际的项目中都是在数据库中去取得的,很简单的数据:

  public class User
public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; }


   public List<User> GetData()
List<User> list = new List<User>();
string[] array = new string[] { "Tom", "Joy", "James", "Kobe", "Jodan", "LiLei", "Hanmeimei", "xiaoming", "Danneil", "Forest", "Newbee", "Azure" };
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
User user = new User();
user.Age = i;
user.Name = array[i / ];
} return list;

然后新建一个 PageModel类

 /// <summary>
/// 有些属性我写成了虚的, 这样可以根据不同的需要去重写便于扩展
/// </summary>
public class BasePageModel
public string SearchKeyWord { get; set; } /// <summary>
///点击分页是指向 Action 的名字 根据具体需要而定
/// </summary>
public virtual string ActionName
return "Index";
} public int TotalCount { get; set; } public int CurrentIndex { get; set; } public int TotalPages
return (int)Math.Ceiling((double)TotalCount / (double)PageSize);
} /// <summary>
/// 根据需要具体而定PageSize
/// </summary>
public virtual int PageSize
get { return ; }
} /// <summary>
///根据需要具体而定 分页显示最大的页数
/// </summary>
public virtual int DisplayMaxPages
return ;
} public bool IsHasPrePage
return CurrentIndex != ;
} public bool IsHasNextPage
return CurrentIndex != TotalPages;

再新建一个分布式图 建在Shared 文件夹里,代码如下:

 @using MvcTest.Models
@model MvcTest.Models.BasePageModel @{if (Model != null && Model.TotalPages != )
<ul class="pagination">
@{ @Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, Model.CurrentIndex - , false, Model.IsHasPrePage, "&laquo;") if (Model.TotalPages <= Model.DisplayMaxPages)
for (int i = ; i < Model.TotalPages; i++)
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, i, i == Model.CurrentIndex);
if (Model.CurrentIndex - < )
for (int i = ; i <= Model.DisplayMaxPages - ; i++)
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, i, i == Model.CurrentIndex);
} @Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, Model.CurrentIndex, false, false, "...");
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, ); if (Model.CurrentIndex + (Model.DisplayMaxPages - ) / >= Model.TotalPages)
int page = Model.CurrentIndex - (Model.DisplayMaxPages - Model.TotalPages + Model.CurrentIndex - ); if (page > )
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, Model.CurrentIndex, false, false, "...");
} for (int i = page + ; i < Model.TotalPages; i++)
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, i, i == Model.CurrentIndex);
int page = Model.CurrentIndex - (Model.DisplayMaxPages - ) / ; if (page > )
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, Model.CurrentIndex, false, false, "...");
} for (int i = page; i < Model.CurrentIndex + (Model.DisplayMaxPages - ) / ; i++)
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, i, i == Model.CurrentIndex);
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, Model.CurrentIndex, false, false, "...");
} }
} @Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, Model.TotalPages, Model.TotalPages == Model.CurrentIndex)
@Url.CreatPageLiTag(Model, Model.CurrentIndex + , false, Model.IsHasNextPage, "&raquo;") }
</ul> }}

以上就是分页的核心代码,包括了一些判断逻辑,其中的 @Url.CreatPageLiTag 我是写了一个扩展

 public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
public static MvcHtmlString CreatPageLiTag(this UrlHelper urlHelper,
BasePageModel pageModel,
int index,
bool isCurrentIndex = false,
bool isDisable = true,
string content = "")
{ string url = urlHelper.Action(pageModel.ActionName, new { searchkey = pageModel.SearchKeyWord, index = index });
string activeClass = !isCurrentIndex ? string.Empty : "class='active'";
string disableClass = isDisable ? string.Empty : "class='disabled'";
url = isDisable ? "href='" + url + "'" : string.Empty;
string contentString = string.IsNullOrEmpty(content) ? index.ToString() : content; return new MvcHtmlString("<li " + activeClass + disableClass + "><a " + url + ">" + contentString + "</a></li>");

在这里面里面 是生成<a/>标签的,样式可以自己定。无非就是一些css 的定义。

然后就在action 的方法里取数据

   public ActionResult Index(string searchkey, string index)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(index))
index = "";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchkey))
searchkey = string.Empty; List<User> totalList = GetData().Where(p=>p.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchkey.ToLower())).ToList();
BasePageModel page = new BasePageModel() { SearchKeyWord = searchkey, CurrentIndex = Int32.Parse(index), TotalCount = totalList.Count }; List<User> pageList = totalList.Skip((page.CurrentIndex - ) * page.PageSize).Take(page.PageSize).ToList();
ViewData["pagemodel"] = page;
return View(pageList);


 @model List<MvcTest.Controllers.User>
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
} <h2>Data List</h2>
<form class="navbar-form navbar-right" name="searchform" action="@Url.Action("Index", new {index="1" }) method="post">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" id="searchkey" name="searchkey" class="form-control" placeholder="Search..." />
<span class="btn input-group-addon" onclick="document.searchform.submit();">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
<table class="table table-hover table-bordered table-condensed">
@foreach (var item in Model)
} </tbody>
@Html.Partial("MvcPagerView", ViewData["pagemodel"])

Ok 搞定。效果如下:


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