[root@NB ok]# mysqldump -uemove -h xx.xx.xx.xx -P9906 DBname t_name -p >2t_tname.sql
Warning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions,
even those that changed suppressed parts of the database. If you don't want to restore GTIDs,
pass --set-gtid-purged=OFF. To make a complete dump, pass --all-databases --triggers --routines --events.
[root@NB Desktop]# mysqldump --version
mysqldump Ver 10.13 Distrib 5.6., for Linux (x86_64)
关于GTID是5.6以后,加入了全局事务 ID (GTID) 来强化数据库的主备一致性,故障恢复,以及容错能力。
官方给的:A global transaction identifier (GTID) is a unique identifier created and associated with each transaction committed on the server of origin (master).
所以可能是因为在一个数据库里面唯一,但是当导入其他的库就有可能重复。所有会有一个提醒。 可以通过添加--set-gtid-purged=off 或者–gtid-mode=OFF这两个参数设置。
[root@NB ok]# mysqldump -uUsername -h xx.xx.xx.xx -P9996 DBname t_name --set-gtid-purged=off -p >t_name.sql(表名)

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