


cellspacing —— 控制着两个单元格之间的距离,尽管是没有官方默认值的,浏览器通常却会使用一个默认值为2,即在浏览器中,cellspacing的值就是会默认为2。

cellpadding —— 控制单元格中内容与单元格内四周之间的距离,默认值是1。通常情况下,cellpadding比cellspacing可以更加的有效扩大表格内容。


How to set cellspacing and cellpadding in css ?


For controlling "cellpadding" in CSS, you can simply use padding on table cells. E.g. for 10px of "cellpadding":

td {
padding: 10px;

For "cellspacing", you can apply the border-spacing CSS property to your table. E.g. for 10px of "cellspacing":

table {
border-spacing: 10px;
border-collapse: separate;

This property will even allow separate horizontal and vertical spacing, something you couldn't do with old-school "cellspacing".

Issues in IE <= 7

This will work in almost all popular browsers except for Internet Explorer up through Internet Explorer 7, where you're almost out of luck. I say "almost" because these browsers still support the border-collapseproperty, which merges the borders of adjoining table cells. If you're trying to eliminate cellspacing (that is, cellspacing="0") then border-collapse:collapse should have the same effect: no space between table cells. This support is buggy, though, as it does not override an existing cellspacing HTML attribute on the table element.

In short: for non-Internet Explorer 5-7 browsers, border-spacing handles you. For Internet Explorer, if your situation is just right (you want 0 cellspacing and your table doesn't have it defined already), you can use border-collapse:collapse.

table {
border-spacing: 0;
border-collapse: collapse;


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