
2018-12-04 18:55:26.842 CST,"XXX","XXX",21106,"XXX",5c065c3d.5272,4,"idle",2018-12-04 18:51:41 CST,117/0,0,ERROR,54000,"out of memory","Cannot enlarge string buffer containing 0 bytes by 1342177281 more bytes.",,,,,,,"enlargeStringInfo, stringinfo.c:268",""


上面日志中的1342177281 bytes是查询的长度。





* MaxAllocSize, MaxAllocHugeSize
* Quasi-arbitrary limits on size of allocations.
* Note:
* There is no guarantee that smaller allocations will succeed, but
* larger requests will be summarily denied.
* palloc() enforces MaxAllocSize, chosen to correspond to the limiting size
* of varlena objects under TOAST. See VARSIZE_4B() and related macros in
* postgres.h. Many datatypes assume that any allocatable size can be
* represented in a varlena header. This limit also permits a caller to use
* an "int" variable for an index into or length of an allocation. Callers
* careful to avoid these hazards can access the higher limit with
* MemoryContextAllocHuge(). Both limits permit code to assume that it may
* compute twice an allocation's size without overflow.
#define MaxAllocSize ((Size) 0x3fffffff) /* 1 gigabyte - 1 */


* enlargeStringInfo
* Make sure there is enough space for 'needed' more bytes
* ('needed' does not include the terminating null).
* External callers usually need not concern themselves with this, since
* all stringinfo.c routines do it automatically. However, if a caller
* knows that a StringInfo will eventually become X bytes large, it
* can save some palloc overhead by enlarging the buffer before starting
* to store data in it.
* NB: because we use repalloc() to enlarge the buffer, the string buffer
* will remain allocated in the same memory context that was current when
* initStringInfo was called, even if another context is now current.
* This is the desired and indeed critical behavior!
enlargeStringInfo(StringInfo str, int needed)
int newlen; /*
* Guard against out-of-range "needed" values. Without this, we can get
* an overflow or infinite loop in the following.
if (needed < 0) /* should not happen */
elog(ERROR, "invalid string enlargement request size: %d", needed);
if (((Size) needed) >= (MaxAllocSize - (Size) str->len))
errmsg("out of memory"),
errdetail("Cannot enlarge string buffer containing %d bytes by %d more bytes.",
str->len, needed))); needed += str->len + 1; /* total space required now */ /* Because of the above test, we now have needed <= MaxAllocSize */ if (needed <= str->maxlen)
return; /* got enough space already */ /*
* We don't want to allocate just a little more space with each append;
* for efficiency, double the buffer size each time it overflows.
* Actually, we might need to more than double it if 'needed' is big...
newlen = 2 * str->maxlen;
while (needed > newlen)
newlen = 2 * newlen; /*
* Clamp to MaxAllocSize in case we went past it. Note we are assuming
* here that MaxAllocSize <= INT_MAX/2, else the above loop could
* overflow. We will still have newlen >= needed.
if (newlen > (int) MaxAllocSize)
newlen = (int) MaxAllocSize; str->data = (char *) repalloc(str->data, newlen); str->maxlen = newlen;



* StringInfoData holds information about an extensible string.
* data is the current buffer for the string (allocated with palloc).
* len is the current string length. There is guaranteed to be
* a terminating '\0' at data[len], although this is not very
* useful when the string holds binary data rather than text.
* maxlen is the allocated size in bytes of 'data', i.e. the maximum
* string size (including the terminating '\0' char) that we can
* currently store in 'data' without having to reallocate
* more space. We must always have maxlen > len.
* cursor is initialized to zero by makeStringInfo or initStringInfo,
* but is not otherwise touched by the stringinfo.c routines.
* Some routines use it to scan through a StringInfo.
typedef struct StringInfoData
char *data;
int len;
int maxlen;
int cursor;
} StringInfoData; typedef StringInfoData *StringInfo;

从存放字符串或二进制的结构体StringInfoData中,可以看出pg字符串类型不支持\u0000的原因,因为在pg中的字符串形式是C strings,是以\0结束的字符串,\0在ASCII中叫做NUL,Unicode编码表示为\u0000,八进制则为0x00,如果字符串中包含\0,pg会当做字符串的结束符。




regexp_replace(stringWithNull, '\\u0000', '', 'g')


str.replaceAll('\u0000', '')









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