25. Green Living 绿色生活
①We all know that humans are damaging the environment,but what can we do about it ? Some people are trying to do their bit to try to be more environmentally friendly.
②Local councils in Britain encourage certain aspects of green living,such as recycling paper,tin,plastic and glass.They want to reduce the amount of rubbish going into landfill sites,because they are running out of places to dump rubbish.In some areas rubbish for recycling is collected from your doorstep,but in other areas,you have to take it to a special recycling place,such as a bottle banks.
③ Another way of reducing the amount of rubbish you create is to use reusable products instead of disposable ones.For example,some people use strong shopping bags or boxes for their groceries instead of plastic carrier bags,or use washable nappies instead of disposables.
④More people are becoming interested in reducing their carbon footprint——the amount of carbon they use up.They try to reduce their carbon emissions by cycling,using public transport or an electric car,rather than driving gas-guzzling vehicles.Some people choose not to fly to go on holiday because areoplanes are the biggest producers of carbon emissions.
⑤You can make "green" choices when buying food too.It's best to buy food which was locally grown or produced so that it hasn't been imported by air,or transported long distances by road.

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