WWW vs Internet

For the begining, Internet was there. it was for the academics among universities

Then they need a way to share documents in the whole world

Lee created WWW which is the common langauge that computers can speak

You can think Internet as your phone

WWW as an app that runs on your phone

Lee created the first browser and the first server and the first web site




HTML: text and links (比如整个网页都是Lee那种性冷淡风)

1995-1996 CSS, JAVESCRIPT came into being

CSS: styles

JAVESCRIPT: interactive





Developer History 

以前,我们用JQuery(library that allows JS to be written in simple way that allowed us not to worry much about working in different browsers. It created the environment for JS to flourish)

在back end

LAMP(Linux Apache MySQL PHP) stack

In those days, back end developers used PHP to write files that allowed us to have logic on the servers

If you have something like HostGator and you had to log in to cPanel or any of those very common hosting platform, most likely they're running Apache server (a software that really efficiently servers up files)


React: the biggest library for JS

So that we can stand on shoulders of giants

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