Tree Representation Implementation & Traversal
Tree implemention using list
def BinaryTree(r):
return [r, [], []] def insertLeft(root, newBranch):
t = root.pop(1)
if len(t) > 1:
# if the left child has node t, then we push it down
root.insert(1, [newBranch, t, []])
root.insert(1, [newBranch, [], []])
return root def insertRight(root, newBranch):
t = root.pop(2)
if len(t) > 1:
root.insert(2, [newBranch, [], t])
root.insert(2, [newBranch, [], []])
return root def getRootVal(root):
return root[0] def setRootVal(root, newVal):
root[0] = newVal def getLeftChild(root):
return root[1] def getRightChild(root):
return root[2]
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