1,The errors in vertical direction are about 3 times horizontal errors of GPS data. But the precision of seismic wave data in U direction is better than horizontal data.

2,The uncertainty of measurement data should be shown in demonstration.

3, We should notice the data sensitivity of every type of the data.

4,Targeting at the multievent sources,we use the stacking method to determine whether there are multiple event sources and the positions of them.Noticing the study of Huang Bor-shouh.

5,Mang geological knowledge should be combined to understand the fault structure.

6, I want to draw the rupture directivity of every sub-fault, how I can plot?

7, How can we calculate the stress of our faults, the pre-knowledge of faulting pattern shouln be known?

8,How to select the smoothing factor?

9,There are many methods to do the smoothing ,how to choose it?

10,An issue should be noticed that the spatial explaination wouldn't  be enough if the number of stations is small.

11,anticline is 'beixie'

12,the hypothesis is important.

13,we can compare between the magnitude of the interseismicity and the coseismicity.

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